Senate-passed annual authorization bill for DoD would require a 5 percent cut in non-uniformed employees. Chief management officers from two military services say mathematical cuts to a workforce that's "under siege" would be unwise.
Host Derrick Dortch hosts a roundtable discussion of a new initiatiave to help transitioning veterans find jobs once they leave the military. December 7, 2012(Encore presentation December 21, 2012 & December 28, 2012)
Just two years ago, Arlington National Cemetery was plagued by mismarked and unidentified gravesites and incomplete paper records. Now, the Army has at its disposal a massive, GPS-enabled digital database of every gravesite. And what's more — the cemetery has made the database available to the public via its website and a mobile application.
The Army's Contracting Command will inactivate its National Capital Region contracting center in July of 2013, one of six it currently operates around the country. The move is partially intended to let the command decrease its turnover rate for acquisition talent.
Air Force senior leaders assigned themselves several tasks after a summit on cyberspace in mid-November. But the service's role in cyberspace also awaits forthcoming guidance from the military's top leadership on the future of U.S. Cyber Command.
Twenty large and small vendors won a spot on the five-year Global Tactical Advanced Communications Systems contract.
Jennifer Norris, a victim advocate at the Military Rape Crisis Center in Maine, said the Air Force report released Wednesday investigating the widespread scandal at Lackland Air Base made recommendations but didn't address the military culture that allowed the sexual assaults to occur.
The Pentagon's Office of the Chief of Public Affairs is training the military's social media practitioners how to get information out quickly, securely and, most importantly, accurately during emergencies like the recent superstorm that hit the East Coast.
Gen. William Shelton says some costs for space activities are unsustainable and the service is working to bring them down. But he implored "congressional teammates" not to cut funding for programs that are working.
Christopher Kubasik, Lockheed Martin's president, chief operating officer and CEO-elect, resigned Friday after an ethics probe revealed an improper relationship with a subordinate employee. The board named Marillyn Hewson, the executive vice president of the company's Electronic Systems unit, the president and COO, effective immediately. Hewson will also become the CEO in January 2013 — when Kubasik had been slated to become the company's chief executive, taking over for retiring Bob Stevens.
Nearly six months ago, Northrop Grumman filed a $179 million lawsuit against the U.S. Postal Service, alleging the agency delayed and disrupted its work on a multimillion-dollar contract to create and install high-tech mail sorters. Now, USPS has countered those claims, alleging the company actually owes it millions of dollars because the contract ran over schedule, according to documents obtained by Federal News Radio.
Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno said the service wants to bring more uniformed men and women into the institutional Army. He said they have relied too much on civilian employees and contractors over the last decade. Odierno said the Army also has to change the way it trains its leaders to be more adaptable.
Terry Edwards, the director of the Office of the Chief Systems Engineer and chief information officer for the assistant secretary for acquisition, logistics and technology, said his office helps acquire technology and ensure standards are met. November 1, 2012(Encore presentation December 27, 2012)
EPA's 25,000 email users will be fully migrated to the cloud by early 2013 thanks to collaboration solutions provided by Lockheed Martin and Microsoft.
Sean Patton of Lockheed Martin talks about the EPA's migration to a collaboration and communication service. Sanjay Koyani discusses a partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other Health and Human Services components to get better leverage out of the information it has. Engineer Norman R. Augustin talks about a new report on STEM prepared by the National Academy of Engineering and the National Research Council.