In this week's Inside the DoD Reporter's Notebook, Jared Serbu reports language explicitly barring another BRAC round appeared last week in the House readiness subcommittee's contribution to the annual Defense authorization bill.
The military services, like Congress, are concerned about losing their small suppliers, particularly when they provide critical parts that are must-have components of modern weapons systems.
The DoD IG believes that investigations into alleged misconduct by DoD officials can be cut roughly in half by 2017 if the department follows the recommendations it delivered in a report released publicly last week.
Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Mark Warner (D-Va.) wrote to Defense Secretary Ash Carter asking him to launch an investigation into possible whistleblower retaliation.
The cyber policy revisions, which Ashton Carter will announce during a speech at Stanford University, will be the first significant update since 2011, when the department issued its first-ever cyber strategy. Carter\'s visit to Silicon Valley is the first such trip in 20 years for a Defense secretary. Officials say the pilgrimage is meant to build tighter partnerships between DoD and the tech sector it depends on for cybersecurity and technology innovation.
Chief information officers are engaging more than ever in agency mission delivery. Part of the problem, at least in the military, is historic and structural, according to Brig. Gen. Sarah Zabel. She\'s director of cyberspace strategy and policy in the Office of Information Dominance and Chief Information Officer for the U.S. Air Force. On In Depth with Francis Rose, she explained the history behind the separation between mission and IT, and how to bring them together to help fight wars.
A collaboration experiment between civilian academics and military officers leads to an unexpected discovery. The RAND Corporation says the two groups both felt intimidated by each other. Paula Thornhill, director of the Strategy and Doctrine Program and senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation, tells In Depth with Francis Rose why colleagues need to shed underlying doubts about each other to achieve true collaboration.
The Navy has five financial opportunities to modernize its fleet, according to Bryan Clark, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments and former special assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations. He was one witness at a hearing of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces. The other witness at the hearing was Bryan McGrath, managing director of the FerryBridge Group, and former director of the Navy Strategic Actions Group. On In Depth with Francis Rose, they talked about what the committee asked -- and what they didn\'t ask.
The Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Mac Thornberry, proposes incremental steps to reform the defense acquisition process. But his ideas are just treating the symptoms of a dysfunctional system and don\'t address the root problems, according to Everett Pyatt, leader of the Project for Defense Management and Acquisition Leadership for the McCain Institute at Arizona State University. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he identified conceptual flaws in the system that need to change to make defense acquisition reform permanent.
Photos of the amazing, moving, important and amusing things happening in the federal community.
Peter Levine, the nominee to be the Pentagon\'s next deputy chief management officer, said he will need to choose his battles carefully over the next 18 months. His focus areas will include DoD headquarters spending and acquisition reform, he told senators Tuesday.
Three out of 19 women that started the latest class of Army Ranger School yesterday have left the school. That\'s compared to 78 out of 380 men. Eventually, women will make it through Ranger School, and that\'s a good thing, according to retired Army Lt. General David Barno. He\'s a Distinguished Practitioner in Residence at American University\'s School of International Service. On In Depth with Francis Rose, Barno explained the significance of Ranger School and why it\'s important women are there.
The Defense Health Agency is the newest of the combat support organizations that provide services to all of the military departments.
Five military associations are calling on the House Armed Services Committee members to take a closer look at several of the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission\'s recommendations.
On the heels of another Veterans Affairs Department inspector general report showing departmental cybersecurity practices falling short, House Veterans Affairs Committee lawmakers are pressing for more answers about just how secure the data of millions of veterans are in the agency\'s network.