Roberta J. Mourao is a principal in the Advisory Services practice of Ernst & Young LLP. Her experience spans the government sector and commercial industry in the areas of business process improvement, enterprise transformation, strategy and…
In an era of fiscal austerity, DoD must continue to maintain operations and modernize forces in order to support national security. What acquisition challenges are facing the U.S. Department of Defense? What actions can be taken to improve defense acquisition and the Defense Industrial Base? Join host Michael Keegan as he explore these questions and more with Profs. Jack Gansler and Bill Lucyshyn, authors of the IBM Center report, Eight Actions to Improve Defense Acquisition. That's next week on The Business of Government Hour.
Steve Blank teaches Hacking for Defense, a new course at Stanford University that links students with defense agencies to promote innovation in engineering.
Tune in to get the latest updates about federal law enforcement! June 3, 2016
Federal shared IT and other services make all the sense in the world. So why aren’t more agencies doing it? And what will it take to expand use of shared services?
On this edition of “Disaster Resilience for America”, hosts Tim Karney and Tom Moran interview Ron Hosko, the President of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund and the former assistant director of the FBI.
This program will provide a progress report on continuous monitoring in government.
What is federal acquisition? How are agencies enhancing their acquisition capabilities? Are there new ways to procure goods and services for federal agencies? What does the future hold for federal acquisition? Join host Michael Keegan as he explores these questions and more with key senior government executives and thought leaders.
This program will provide a progress report on continuous monitoring in government.
“We encrypt almost everything,” Frank Konieczny, chief technology officer of the U.S. Air Force, said on Federal News Radio’s In Focus. “Probably close to 100 percent, if not 100 percent, within the Air Force domain right now, because you have to. Now the question becomes, when do you decrypt to look at everything else? And we do it at the application level or at the endpoint level, user endpoint level, so we don’t like decrypting in the middle because that just adds another factor or problem area for incident reporting.”
Shaun Khalfan, Customs and Border Protection's chief security officer, discussed the agency's comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, from managing data to educating users.
On this edition of “Disaster Relief for America”, hosts Tim Karney and Tom Moran interview Dr. Nicole Lury, the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
What are the benefits of adopting a shared services model? How does HHS’ PSC manage the business of government? What is PSC doing to differentiate its products and services? Join host Michael Keegan as he explores these questions and with Paul Bartley, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Program Support at Department of Health & Human Services, and director of its Program Support Center.
The significance of cyber security was confirmed by a recent survey of cybersecurity and information security professionals. Cybersecurity is a global concern for individuals, businesses and government under constant threat of security attack.