Agency Oversight

  • Comptroller General Gene Dodaro outlines the top priorities of the Government Accountability Office now that he has been confirmed.

    January 06, 2011
  • Defense Secretary Robert Gates was expected to spend the morning detailing for members of Congress his internal cost-cutting measures, which he said in August would save the department $100 billion over five years. Analysts said the effort was intended to preempt any budget cuts that Congress might force on the department.

    January 06, 2011
  • Mint Director Ed Moy has resigned. He joins us for a look back on his tenure and forward to his hopes for the future.

    January 06, 2011
  • The Army\'s largest post saw a record number of soldiers kill themselves in 2010 despite a mental health effort aimed at reversing the trend.

    January 06, 2011
  • The America Competes Reauthorization Act authorizes the agency\'s programs and sets a path toward the future. President Obama signed the bill into law Tuesday. Several other science and technology agencies receive marching orders from lawmakers.

    January 06, 2011
  • Changes to the The National Institute of Standards and Technology\'s hiring protocol will update its 13-year-old Alternative Personnel Management System. The new rules will let NIST have direct-hire authority to expedite hiring for critical functions.

    January 05, 2011
  • New Online Public Access portal lets users search three databases in one fell swoop to access 13 million records. Archives responded to customer complaints that its electronic records were too difficult to search.

    January 05, 2011
  • Gov Exec\'s Tom Shoop explains the challenges of agencies trying to determine fair pay for employees.

    January 04, 2011
  • Agencies must evaluate their security systems to ensure classified information remains secret. OMB, with guidance from ISOO and ODNI, has a battery of questions for agency heads in their second memo after the release of documents on WikiLeaks.

    January 04, 2011
  • In the first week of the new year, we looking back – and look forward… by looking at what you determined were the big stories. All week, I’m highlighting the most read items across Federal News Radio’s programs. Yesterday, I posted the 100 most read items on the DorobekINSIDER. Tomorrow, we’ll post the most read [...]

    January 04, 2011
  • In the first week of the new year, we looking back – and look forward… by looking at what you determined were the big stories. All week, I’m highlighting the most read items across Federal News Radio’s programs. Yesterday, I posted the 100 most read items on the DorobekINSIDER. Tomorrow, we’ll post the most read [...]

    January 04, 2011
  • Happy New Year! What a great time to look back – and look forward… and to think about fresh starts. The coming months are going to be interesting, no doubt. All week, I’ll bring the most read items across Federal News Radio’s programs – Mike Causey tomorrow; the Federal Drive on Wednesday; on Thursday; [...]

    January 03, 2011
  • Happy New Year! What a great time to look back – and look forward… and to think about fresh starts. The coming months are going to be interesting, no doubt. All week, I’ll bring the most read items across Federal News Radio’s programs – Mike Causey tomorrow; the Federal Drive on Wednesday; on Thursday; [...]

    January 03, 2011
  • Merit Systems Protection Board Senior Research Analyst Sharon Roth explains what protections federal whistleblowers receive under the current laws

    January 03, 2011