A major new patent examination initiative would provide applicants greater control. USPTO\'s David Kappos explains how it will work.
Congress enacted the fiscal year 2010 Exploration appropriation, which appropriated about $3.7 billion for \"exploration research and development activities.\" The GAO\'s Susan Polling tells us about how the funds are being, or not being, spent.
Coleman says group hugs are important. Essentially, you\'ve got to get everybody in that room so that they\'re part of it. That is collaboration. We learn more from Casey Coleman, CIO at GSA
A Senate panel probes the government\'s continued foreign language deficiencies. The Government Accountability Office finds limited progress across several agencies. DHS and DoD are taking steps to increase the number of employees with foreign language skills.
GAO found significant success in obtaining passports using fraudulent documents in the second investigation in two years. While State is implementing facial recognition technology to close the existing gaps, lawmakers are introducing new legislation to give the agency more security capabilities.
A look back on the last 18 months driving the federal government.
Grande Lum will lead a program that has been plagued by fraud and abuse. GAO successfully received HUBZone certifications for three bogus firms in sting operation. SBA administrator promises more oversight of the program.
A former Agriculture Department official who was forced to resign has a lot to think about before coming back. Attorney Bill Bransford explains the issues to us.
Now set to conclude his tenure as director of the Office of Management and Budget this Friday, Peter Orszag appraised his 18 months in the job. He points to a number of ways in which he and the administration tried to change the way the government works.
The Office of Management and Budget is taking aim at the worst 25-to-30 technology projects across government.
A new survey says how your employees behave really does matter.
One analyst says he has some ideas when it comes to helping the Defense Department save money.
Agencies are to review all IT projects over the next month, and the programs that are in the worst shape will go through TechStat sessions. This analysis is part two of a three pronged approach to fixing systemic problems with technology initiatives. Federal CIO Kundra says OMB will try to address those long-standing problems in October through the release of best practices.