Agency Oversight

  • As the Government Printing Office continues with plans for electronic preservation of documents, it has created a new position. David Walls, GPO\'s first preservation librarian, tells us about this new job.

    July 20, 2010
  • Worksharing has grown so much and so fast at the Postal Service, it has created unintended consequences. We get details from Mohammad Adra is with the Office of Inspector General at the Postal Service.

    July 20, 2010
  • NIH hosts a free film festival designed to promote public understanding of science, health, and medicine. Films with a medical science theme are screened, and an expert on the subject provides a commentary and leads an audience question-and-answer period. Bruce Fuchs, Director of NIH\'s Office of Science Education, tells us about it.

    July 20, 2010
  • The General Services Administration is working to conform to a Presidential order mandating that companies who sell goods and services to the Federal government reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Ten months after that order was issued, GSA now has a green light from the White House to proceed with a voluntary, phased-in, incentive-driven program to get companies who sell to GSA to report their greenhouse gas footprint. And one industry trade group weighs in on the recommendations.

    July 20, 2010
  • The Office of Personnel Management, as well as all other federal agencies, spend a lot of time thinking about, and working toward, recruiting and hiring new federal employees. But keeping the talented people the government already has doesn\'t get as much attention. Angela Bailey, Dr. Ronald Sanders, and Linda Springer gave their expert assessments of this issue during the latest In Depth Conversation.

    July 19, 2010
  • Homeland Security Today editor David Silverberg has more.

    July 19, 2010
  • Buried at the Homeland Security Department’s so-called “bottom up review” — a review of all DHS operations — is a very telling chart: The amount of oversight that Homeland Security undergoes How is that for…

    July 19, 2010
  • At the Excellence of Government Conference, the State Department\'s Richard Boly, director of the Office of e-Diplomacy, talks about ways to improve communication and transparency without adding cost or red-tape.

    July 19, 2010
  • Federal and state governments need to evaluate their supply chain capabilities in preparation for national emergencies. Robert Handfield, author of an IBM Center for The Business of Government report, explains.

    July 19, 2010
  • HHS CTO Todd Park explains how the department is harnessing Internet and mobile technologies to create transparency for healthcare reform and beyond.

    July 19, 2010
  • Health care costs continue to be a leading expense for employers and agencies alike. And, many short term fixes have proven to be duds. But, with a customized wellness program designed by Aon Consulting, you can cut annual group health trend increases, reduce costs associated with absenteeism AND improve employee satisfaction. In the end, the employees, their family members and the organization benefit in meaningful and healthy ways.

    July 16, 2010
  • Agency leaders say a commitment hiring and training contract oversight personnel is an important step towards balancing the federal budget and increasing efficiency. They highlight several creative cost-cutting measures being undertaken government-wide.

    July 16, 2010
  • Just in time for its 75th anniversary in a little more than 10 days, the Federal Register is set to unveil an entirely new look -- online. And in keeping with the Obama Administration\'s emphasis on the Open Government Initiative, and using the tools of social collaboration, the new is expected to be the result of wider citizen participation.

    July 16, 2010
  • We learn what\'s in the report.

    July 15, 2010