Administrator Martha Johnson tells Federal News Radio her agency is working on a top-to-bottom review of how they measure mission success.
Administrator Johnson wants to reduce the number of metrics GSA uses, and move the measures from inspection to motivating employees. The agency also wants to encourage agencies to be less risk adverse by leaning on their services.
Let’s be honest — innovation in government can be difficult. It isn’t because government workers are less innovative. The the contrary — in my experience, government workers are more victims of bureaucracy then they are…
The most read stories the week of April 3-10, 2010… on the, on the Daily Debrief with Chris Dorobek and Amy Morris, on Mike Causey’s Federal Report, and for… …from the… The…
AFGE and NTEU see areas where OPM could improve the federal human resources processes, but believe a major overhaul is not necessary. AFGE calls for more steps in the GS system and a broader use of career ladders. NTEU wants managers to receive more and better training on the how to best use the current HR processes.
When there are big events, I like to pull together resources in one place — and, of course, this has been open government week — the Office of Management and Budget issued a series of…
CACI International VP believes agencies are making progress on security
A lot of the focus of HR reform in the government has been internal - how to make the system work better from the inside - for hiring managers, CHCOs, and OPM itself.
Alan P. Balutis Director and Distinguished Fellow Cisco Business Solutions Group
Service\'s new program focuses on giving civilian leaders a broader education of the Air Force\'s mission. The program is funded by Air Force headquarters and aims to give civilian leaders similar training to those in the military.
Chairman of the Recovery, Accountability and Transparency Board explains that being transparent and open isn\'t always easy, but the overall results are often positive.
Officials are using crowdsourcing in the hopes of building a better RFP.
The United States Air Force is taking a corporate approach to training civilian leaders. It will launch the new program this summer.