The Army has ordered its network managers to give soldiers access to social networking sites like Flickr, Twitter and yes, Facebook. The blog Danger Room says the move reverses years of blocking web 2-point-0 sites on military networks. Army public affairs has used social networking to share good stories about the work of its soldiers. Danger Room says the order does not include sites like MySpace, YouTube and Pandora. I\'m Max Cacas.
The Government Accountability Office was tasked with checking on the use of ‘enhanced use leases’ by the Department of Veterans Affairs. This is one way VA manages its ‘real property’ portfolio. We talked about it…
Virginia Congressman Gerry Connolly believes OPM director John Berry doesn’t have to go far to learn some important lessons about implementing pay-for-performance. The first-term Democrat says when he was chairman of the Fairfax County Board…
I mentioned that I was going to be on DC’s NewsChannel 8’s Federal News Tonight last night — talking dashboards, no less. (To be honest, I was a bit concerned the topic was a bit…
In recent months, President Obama and EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson have reversed course and changed the process by which science becomes part of public policy decisions on the environment. A Senate committee invited Jackson to…
I’ll be on DC’s NewsChannel 8 in the 7:30p ET half-hour — their Federal News Tonight program — and I’ll be talking about dashboards. Some of the issues we’ll be covering: * What is a…
Although the President’s cabinet team is in place, a number of important positions are still waiting to be filled. The Treasury Department is one agency with high-level positions still vacant. This week the Senate Finance…
The bookkeeping angle of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was the subject of a meeting of the Association of Government Accountants. Ed deSeve holds the multiple titles of Special Advisor to the President; Assistant…
Every four years, the Pentagon is tasked to produce a Quadrennial Defense Review. A big component of the forthcoming review will be the disposition of US forces overseas. The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs…
The General Services Administration has named Danielle Germain as the agency’s chief of staff, replacing Cathleen C. Kronopolus, who has been acting chief of staff since January. Most recently, Germain worked at the National Academy…
Former CIA official Philip Mudd withdrew his name from consideration for the job of intelligence chief at the Department of Homeland Security. Mudd was President Obama’s nominee but decided to drop because senators in his…
Shockingly enough, the Federal News Radio Book Club “meeting” is coming up this Friday at 2p ET on Federal News Radio 1500 AM’s In Depth with Francis Rose – and, of course, on The…
Shockingly enough, the Federal News Radio Book Club “meeting” is coming up this Friday at 2p ET on Federal News Radio 1500 AM’s In Depth with Francis Rose – and, of course, on The…
Business intelligence — it is one of the buzz words that floats around these days. But what is it anyway? Bob Ghafouri is president and chief executive of Cadence Quest, and we asked him to…
FedExperience launched last fall. It is a pilot project with the Department of Treasury, which is designed to help the federal government develop models to bring experienced talent into public service. Tim McManus is the…