Terry Halvorsen, the Department of the Navy\'s chief information officer, said the Navy and Marine Corps should expect ruthless cost cutting in information technology. Halvorsen said if the services don\'t cut costs themselves, it will be done for them.
USDA\'s Rodger Matthews discusses records management of social media, balancing open access with security requirements, and quick wins that federal agencies can do to improve their programs.
A significant reform of the federal budget process could be exchanged for raising the nation\'s debt ceiling. The Hill\'s Bob Cusack has the latest details.
Under the Telework Enhancement Act, agencies were supposed to have told their employees by Tuesday whether they were allowed to telework. OPM said telework coordinators say they have processes in place to meet the law\'s requirements. A new survey finds the law having an impact on telecommuting across the government.
Management leaders in the Defense Department said a dogged and determined end-to-end examination of the government\'s complex security clearance processes got that topic off of GAO\'s high risk list this year. That approach is coming to the rest of DoD\'s back office operations.
JD Sicilia, Director of Strategic Management and Performance at DoD and Rosye Cloud, director of Performance Improvement Council join Francis Rose for the Executive Hour on In Depth
Lou Crenshaw is a Principal at Grant Thornton. He joins In Depth with cost management lessons from the Pentagon
June 6th and June 8th Conversation with Authors Series with Professor Scott Overmyer: A Conversation on Implementing Telework: Lessons learned from Four Federal Agencies
Dr. Harry Greenspun is the Senior Advisor for Health Care Transformation and Technology at Deloitte Center for Health Solutions. He joins the Federal Drive with information on how social media should be a part of health care management
Sen. Chuck Grassley, issuing his second report on the status of the Defense Department\'s inspector general, said there are \"positive trends\" in the office he has previously criticized but he and his staff still give the IGs work a \"D minus.\"
The current congressional debate on how best to punish federal slackers reminds Senior Correspondent Mike Causey why circular firing squads almost never work as intended.
The Partnership for Public Service and Booz Allen Hamilton have teamed up for a report on the state of succession planning in the federal HR community. Ron Sanders is a senior executive advisor for Booz Allen Hamilton.
Your agency needs to know what programs are wasting money so it can fix them. Federal News Radio\'s Francis Rose spoke with former federal procurement policy chief Steve Kelman about his idea to let federal employees vote for programs to be eliminated.
Budget cuts could undermine leadership development in the federal government, observers say. Federal News Radio\'s Francis Rose spoke with American University\'s Robert Tobias about managers who say they have less time to participate in leadership development activities.
The Office of Management and Budget has gotten preliminary plans for regulatory reform from 30 executive branch agencies after President Obama\'s January executive order calling for a review of unneeded or unjustified regulations. The White House also is encouraging independent federal agencies to submit their own plans, but OMB has gotten just a single page back so far.