
  • What makes one federal agency better than another in terms of worker contentment? One of Washington\'s good government groups did some additional digging in the wake of the federal \"Best Places to Work\" survey and found that better communication using social networking tools helped at least two agencies move up the list.

    September 21, 2010
  • Hiring and retaining the best professionals is critical for Federal Agencies. Aon consulting helps agencies create and implement strategies that attract candidates and motivate its workforce through compelling communications. Their award-winning communications specialists help agencies achieve its goals through: Compensation communication; Talent management assessment surveys; Realistic Job Previews and Employment Brand Strategies; Strategic communication planning and implementation support for change management

    September 20, 2010
  • A recent hearing by the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan took a look at whether Defense has made adequate plans and actual progress to improve the federal workforce that oversees billions of dollars in contracting activity. Former Congressman Chris Shays is the co-chairman of the Commission brings us up to speed.

    September 20, 2010
  • There\'s a new type of naval warrior. Commander of Navy Cyber Forces, Rear Admiral Tom Meek explains.

    September 20, 2010
  • Clifford Nass tells the DorobekINSIDER we can learn a lot from how we treat inanimate objects - including some lessons in leadership.

    September 17, 2010
  • It\'s time to start thinking about the 2011 Service to America Medals. Tim McManus from the Partnership for Public Service tells us how to nominate someone for the awards.

    September 17, 2010
  • On the heels of a number of management changed made official yesterday, Steve Kempf, the commissioner of GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service, has named Houston Taylor as the assistant commissioner for the Office of Acquisition Management.…

    September 17, 2010
  • The head of the Office of Management and Budget\'s Office of Federal Financial Management said the federal audit community has a powerful new tool to battle improper payments and fraud. Danny Werfel said for most citizens, battling improper payments may even trump the accounting community\'s holy grail of a clean audit opinion.

    September 17, 2010
  • Senators praise Lew for experience. Committee plans to vote on his nomination next week. Lew said technology, acquisition reform and performance management are among his top non-budget priorities.

    September 17, 2010
  • A number of leadership changes at the General Services Administration. GSA Administrator Martha Johnson has announced that Gail Lovelace, who has served as the chief people officer for the General Services Administration, will be taking…

    September 16, 2010
  • The DorobekINSIDER talks with Nanci Schimizzi, President of Women in Technology.

    September 16, 2010
  • The FAA is transitioning between the worlds of ground-based and satellite-based systems. We get an update from Administrator Babbitt.

    September 16, 2010
  • VA, SBA, EPA and HUD are the first to go through the review process and see dramatic changes. OMB controller Werfel said the goal for each agency is to invest only in top priorities, saving $1 billion a year by eliminating or reducing the size of agency modernization projects.

    September 16, 2010
  • The Army is trying to get the word out that it needs good people to help manage money. The lagging economy, stubborn unemployment and improved pay and benefits are helping to attract the next generation of acquisition professionals into the fold.

    September 16, 2010