U.S. President Barack Obama is asking government agencies to develop plans for five percent reductions in array of domestic programs, the White House said on Tuesday.
It was a record week on FederalNewsRadio.com — as several stories got highlighted by the Drudge Report. That being said… the most read stories across Federal News Radio 1500 AM from May 23-June 6… on…
Is the oil spill in the Gulf the first true test of President Obama\'s management style?
The Defense Department has been trying to improve efficiencies and cut costs by using both competitions with the private sector and High Performance Organizations (HPOs), a solution based in-house rather than on a public-private competition.
Agencies recycled more than 51,000 pounds of electronics, purchases more than 58,000 hardware that met the green standards and saved the government more than $11 million.
You often hear what a distraction it can be for workers on the job. But, instead of seeing it as a liability, some business and agency managers are turning social media into a valuable tool. If employees are using social media at work and for business purposes already, that should be capitalized on to build business, improve the firm\'s or agency\'s reputation and improve the bottom line, according to Aon Consulting. A task easier said than done, but Aon Consulting can show you the way.
Deputy secretary William Lynn calls for transferring billions of dollars from non-essential programs and administrative functions to warfighter mission areas. DoD also looking at six cross-cutting areas such as healthcare, acquisition and personnel policies for savings. The military services and Defense agencies have until July 31 to figure how to make this happen.
More than 100 individuals and organizations have offered public comments on a proposed rule.
The New York Times reports that Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has ordered the military and the Pentagon\'s civilian bureaucracy to find tens of billions of dollars in annual savings to pay for war-fighting operations.
Battling sexual harassment and sexual assault in the ranks is one of the highest priority work-life issues in the U.S. Navy. Yesterday, a group representing women in the military discussed the issue during a conference here in Washington.
The Health 2.0 Conference is coming to D.C. for the first time, and one of the conference\'s co-founders explains that he wants to share best practices with the government in order to help the individual patient.