
  • The Office of Management and Budget detailed to agencies in new FAQs why the short-term continuing resolution will not require cuts as called for under the Fiscal Responsibility Act.

    December 26, 2023
  • In today's Federal Newscast: If you're in the government, you may or may not see more pay in 2024. Sen. Rand Paul "waste shames" specific programs in his 9th Annual Festivus Report. And agencies have new guidance to promote more public engagement in federal rulemaking.

    December 26, 2023
  • Multiple sources tell Federal News Network the Office of Management and Budget told agencies to target specific job classifications like cyber or data scientists or certain grade levels for increased salaries.

    December 15, 2023
  • The House has passed a defense policy bill that authorizes the biggest pay raise for troops in more than two decades. Supporters overcame objections from some conservatives concerned it didn’t do enough on cultural issues, such as restricting the Pentagon’s diversity initiatives and gender-affirming health care for transgender service members. The Senate had already overwhelmingly passed the bill on Wednesday, so now it goes to President Joe Biden’s desk to be signed into law. One of the most divisive aspects of the bill is a short-term extension of a surveillance program aimed at preventing terrorism and catching spies. Opponents of the extension wanted changes designed to boost privacy protections for Americans.

    December 14, 2023
  • Andre Mendes, the Commerce Department’s chief information officer, said through the use of Technology Business Management framework, the agency has well over 90% of their IT costs categorized properly and in the right towers, which is a huge change.

    December 01, 2023
  • Congress is back from its Thanksgiving recess this week -- with not very much time to go before several different impending deadlines. We've talked a lot about the appropriations legislation that still needs to get done for 2024. But the deadlines for some key authorization bills are creeping up even faster. Loren Duggan is deputy news director at Bloomberg Government. He spoke with Federal News Network Deputy Editor Jared Serbu.

    November 27, 2023
  • Continuing resolutions hurt not only service members, but also civilians both at the Department of Defense and at other agencies by hurting morale and slowing new programs.

    November 21, 2023
  • The latest continuing resolution Congress passed last week avoided a government shutdown. But even if lawmakers achieve that feat again next year, on the two different dates when the CR expires, there are a lot of other ways the rest of fiscal 2024 could be messy for federal agencies and their vendors. To look into it further, Federal News Network Deputy Director Jared Serbu talked with Larry Allen, President of Allen Federal Business Partners.

    November 21, 2023
  • The government is open on this short holiday week – and it will stay that way through at least the first couple months of the new year. That is thanks to a continuing resolution Congress passed and the president signed late last week. But the way Congress went about it is going to make things complicated – and maybe harder to pass full appropriations bills for 2024. For more on this, Federal News Network Deputy Editor talked with Mitchell Miller, WTOP Capitol Hill correspondent.

    November 20, 2023
  • On today's Federal Newscast: The Defense Department is still the only federal department that's never earned a clean audit opinion. GOP lawmakers are trying to override a controversial cybersecurity regulation. And locality pay strikes again, as more than 33,000 federal employees will see additional raises in January.

    November 17, 2023
  • Mike McCord, the undersecretary of defense (comptroller)/chief financial officer, said the Department of Defense will be impacted by more continuing resolutions, particularly if it leads to a sequestration, but it will not furlough personnel if that happens

    November 16, 2023
  • Among the recent inductees to the National Academy of Public Administration, is a former state budget official. For how the federal government looks from a state point of view, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke with that official, Shelby Kerns, who is now the Executive Director of the National Association of State Budget Officers.

    November 13, 2023
  • It sure came fast. Just a workweek remaining until the continuing resolution expires. The fever is building on Capitol Hill to do something to avoid a government shutdown. For the latest, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke to Bloomberg Government Deputy News Director Loren Duggan. 

    November 13, 2023
  • House Speaker Mike Johnson has unveiled his proposal to avoid a partial government shutdown next weekend by extending government funding for some agencies and programs until Jan. 19 and continuing funding for others until Feb. 2.

    November 11, 2023