The Department of Homeland Security expects an audit of its IT systems will bring relatively good news in two weeks. Last year\'s audit found 161 issues in technology systems throughout the agency. Those problems ranged from a lack of disaster recovery plans to the inability to block former employees from accessing department IT systems.
The bill builds on a series proposals on improper payments, said Linda Springer, former OMB comptroller.
FEMA has recovered just $3 million of $643 million in potentially improper disaster relief aid since Hurricane Katrina. But its attempts to recoup the money are setting off one senator and threatening to erupt into a public relations snafu.
Outgoing Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn said the biggest change at the Defense Department during his tenure was the increased focus on cybersecurity.
The Government Accountability Office is looking at the progress the Pentagon is making.
The GAO\'s reports evaluates the independence of inspector generals in government.
Congress must standardize the role of the federal chief financial officer and give deputy CFOs more clout to make up for time between political appointments of CFOs. These are two of the recommendations from a…
In reports and testimony to Congress, the Government Accountability Office finds DoD has built a credible plan to meet a Congressionally-mandated full financial audit by 2017. However, the audit agency is skeptical the military branches will be able to implement the plan in time.
A House Armed Services Committee panel is reviewing the Pentagon\'s efforts to reform its auditing practices. Reps. Mike Conaway (R-Texas) and Rob Andrews (D-N.J.) head the panel, which is first trying to get a handle on the scope of the issue, Andrews told Federal News Radio\'s Federal Drive.
All agency bureaus will implement the Internet Payment Platform by 2012. Additionally, all Treasury vendors must submit invoices through the portal starting in 2013. The electronic invoice payment program is one of 12 initiatives to improve federal financial management.
The House Armed Services Committee is following the success of its acquisition reform panel with a similar approach to Pentagon finances. Reps. Mike Conaway and Rob Andrews will, once again, lead the effort.
A new survey by Grant Thornton and the Association of Government Accountants found federal financial managers want a new way to present data that is more meaningful. CFOs also said they are starting to take advantage of predictive analysis tools.
Just-retired DoD Secretary Robert Gates issued a recent memo announcing his decision about how DISA and the chief information officer\'s office will change. Gates said DoD will dis-establish the Networks Integration and Information office.
Andrew McLauchlin, vice president at CGI Federal, spoke with Federal News Radio about ACT-IAC\'s four recommendations.
Beth McGrath, DoD\'s deputy chief management officer, said reworking acquisition regulations will include new ways to buy technology and promote agile development. The Pentagon is targeting everything from the way it buys technology to standardizing business systems in an effort to save money and become more efficient. DoD wants to standardize 15 common, commercial business processes.