
  • In part one of the exclusive Federal News Radio series, Karla Saunders says SBA management continues to exact revenge against her for testifying on behalf of another employee about agency misconduct. Saunders says among the reprisals she has faced over the past three years is officials put her in two jobs involuntarily that she has no qualifications for. SBA officials deny any wrongdoing and say the administrator has no tolerance for waste, fraud, abuse or mismanagement.

    February 07, 2011
  • Better, faster, cheaper — You’re being asked to do more with less. And now more than ever, government innovation is playing a key role. But how can you ensure innovation is part of your organization?…

    February 04, 2011
  • Agency administrator John Pistole determined workers can hold a vote on whether to be represented by a union. Pistole\'s memo details four areas that will fall under collective bargaining if employees approve it.

    February 04, 2011
  • Laura Godfrey, manager of, explains best practices for reaching out to Latinos online.

    February 04, 2011
  • Congress must pass another funding measure to keep the government operating past March 4. House Republicans are calling for big cuts to current spending levels. This as President Obama gets set to release his 2012 budget request February 14.

    February 04, 2011
  • A directive signed this week by the secretary of the Army requires high-level review and analysis of any proposal to insource contracting functions. Outside groups have accused DoD of insourcing workers based on arbitrary quotas.

    February 04, 2011
  • The long-awaited memo requires agencies to develop a plan to implement physical and computer network access controls. DHS and GSA are also working together to help agencies improve physical access control.

    February 04, 2011
  • National Journal reporter Yochi Dreazen explains how wars will change due to tightening budgets at DoD.

    February 03, 2011
  • Jeremy Grant shares his top priorities as the incoming

    February 03, 2011
  • The Office of Management and Budget said agencies reduced contract spending over consecutive years for the first time in 13 years. A new report from OMB showed reductions in some types of high risk contracts. But officials said the administration is targeting professional and technical services contract spending in 2012.

    February 03, 2011
  • POLITICO\'s Jen Di Mascio explains how the protests in Egypt could affect U.S. contractors doing business there.

    February 03, 2011
  • HP introduces Government Cloud Consulting Services to help government agencies comply with OMB\'s \"cloud-first\" policy. We get details from HP\'s Jeff Bergeron

    February 03, 2011
  • Air Force leaders announced involuntary force management programs Feb. 2 to reduce personnel as a supplement to the voluntary programs announced in December.

    February 03, 2011
  • With President Obama recently signing new government reform legislation, lawmakers said accurate data about agencies and their programs will be the key to effective change. Sen. Mark Warner said budget pressures will make improving program performance more pressing than ever before. Warner wants to increase collaboration between long term federal employees and leadership in Congress and the White House.

    February 03, 2011