Mike Hermus and Jeanne Etzel are leaving as the Homeland Security Department’s CTO and senior IT adviser, respectively.
The Me Too movement has women in different careers talking about sexual harassment and assault. The national discussion did not leave out the military, unmasking more actions needed to be taken by DoD to cope.
Former IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, reflecting on his career, talks about his colleagues, as well as the rewards and satisfaction gleaned from his years in public service.
Two presidential administrations have called on John Koskinen to do tough jobs. He's now retired for good.
Federal News Radio shares federal photos daily highlighting the work of government agencies and federal workers. From one administration to another, here are twelve photos shared in the 2017 gallery that represent celebrations of people and progress through times of trial and triumph.
When looking for a few Christmas season columns, we turned to one old, as in long-time reader because she's funny, candid and not the least bit orthodox.
Federal News Radio and Senior Correspondent Mike Causey spread some holiday cheer with a recitation of the poem, Twas the Night Before the End of the Fiscal Year.
For 34 years, the White House chandeliers and the windows through which most of us see them were the responsibility of custodian Stewart Stevens.
Alfred Rivera, currently the director of the Defense Information Systems Agency's development and business center, will retire Jan. 4 after a 35-year government career.
Members of Congress don't seem so bad when you meet them individually. So why is the totality of the institution such a disaster?
The mystery goes on and on. Puzzling vision, hearing, balance and memory problems hitting diplomatic staff in Cuba from unknown sources. Now doctors have found brain abnormalities in the 24 affected people.
Gigi Schumm welcomes FEMA Acting Deputy Administrator of Protection and National Preparedness Katie Fox to discuss the importance of the 3 P's: Preparation, prevention and protection.
Emily Murphy, a former senior adviser to the General Services Administration's acting administrator and longtime expert on government contracting and procurement policy on Capitol Hill, took over as GSA's permanent director on Tuesday.
Alan Thomas, the Federal Acquisition Service commissioner, announced Rob Cook would join GSA’s Office of Governmentwide Policy as its chief innovation adviser.
Kirit Amin joins the ranks of CIOs leaving government after three years at the International Trade Commission.