Dave Wennergren, assistant deputy chief management officer at the Defense Department, joined Pentagon Solutions for a deep-dive discussion into technology, innovation, management and improving business processes at the Defense Department - and across the federal government.
Libya's preparing to stand up an Army. U.S. officials in Libya have begun to look for recruits whom they plan to train to form Libya's new army, according to a former commander of Libyan rebels who toppled Muammar Gaddafi. Reuters is reporting a team of about 10 Americans from the embassy in Tripoli visited a paramilitary base in the eastern city of Benghazi 10 days ago to interview and get to know potential recruits,. A wave of anti-American violence in the Arab world in September during which the U.S. ambassador to Libya died in a militant attack, President Barack Obama took measures to improve the security of U.S. diplomatic installations in the region.
The Marine Corps birthday is coming up and Commandant General Jim Amos gave a shout out and a big thank you yesterday. He said, "you got a lot of listeners out there, some of them will have loaned their sons and daughters and husbands and wives to the Marines and to me and I take that very seriously and I want to thank them. I want to thank America for loaning us her children. I'm really proud of the men and women that wear our cloth today. The Marine Corp with be 237 years old on Saturday.
Po Collins of the National Contract Management Association talks ethics. Don Kettl, dean of the school of Public Policy, University of Maryland, sheds light on the election. Craig Karch of ICE talks about the return of antiquities to Mexico. Alexander Bolton of The Hill newspaper and J.David Cox, national president of AFGE, call in about the election.
In response to the devastation left behind by Hurricane Sandy, the Defense Logistics Agency has supplied 253,000 gallons of gasoline and 157,000 gallons of diesel fuel to FEMA distribution centers within New York and New Jersey. Also DLA is executing the purchase of 12 million gallons of gasoline, 12 million gallons of diesel. 260 fuel trucks are on contract to support of fuel distribution. In total, more than two million meals have been delivered to FEMA facilities in West Virginia, New York and New Jersey. Another five million are in production.
Three Navy vessels are in or headed to New York City. The USS Wasp amphibious assault ship, the USS San Antonio and the USS Carter Hall, both Landing dock vessels have been deployed to provide refueling and command and control of DoD helicopter support missions in the area. Four MH-60S choppers with rescue swimmers are onboard the USS San Antonio and Four MH-53E helicopters are flying onto the USS Wasp, joining two MH-60S with rescue swimmers already aboard.
Justice IG Michael Horowitz shares findings about what happens to illegal immigrants before they go to immigration court. Plus, how are postal employees faring on the East Coast after superstorm Sandy?
Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno said the service wants to bring more uniformed men and women into the institutional Army. He said they have relied too much on civilian employees and contractors over the last decade. Odierno said the Army also has to change the way it trains its leaders to be more adaptable.
Terry Edwards, the director of the Office of the Chief Systems Engineer and chief information officer for the assistant secretary for acquisition, logistics and technology, said his office helps acquire technology and ensure standards are met. November 1, 2012(Encore presentation December 27, 2012)
DHS is thinking about setting up a "Cyber Reserve" of computer security experts who could be called upon in the event of a crippling cyber-attack. Reuters is reporting that the idea came from a task force the agency set up to address one of the government's major vulnerabilities. DHS Deputy Secretary Jane Holl Lute told Reuters they hope to have a working model for a Cyber Reserve within a year. The first members are expected to be drawn from retired government employees now working for private companies.
President Barack Obama has signed an executive order establishing the Homeland Security Partnership Council. The goal is to foster local partnerships between the Federal Government and the private sector, nongovernmental organizations, foundations, community-based organizations, and State, local, tribal, and territorial government and law enforcement. They also want to address homeland security challenges. Their mission is to promote homeland security priorities.
The 18-month study found DoD is no longer the employer of choice for STEM workers, at a time it should be attracting a "high fraction of the highest-quality STEM workforce."
A National Research Council report recommended Congress and the White House take a broader view at planning and allocating funds for the resources maintained by the Army Corps of Engineers.
What are President Barack Obama's plans for the Pentagon in a possible second term? And, what would a Mitt Romney administration hold in store? To answer those questions, Federal News Radio turned to Michele Flournoy, Obama's former undersecretary of defense for policy, and Dov Zakheim, former Pentagon comptroller and now a Romney adviser.
The WikiLeaks website has begun publishing more than 100 U.S. Defense Department files detailing military detention policies in camps in Iraq and at Guantanamo Bay. In a statement, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said, "It shows the excesses of the early days of war against an unknown 'enemy' and how these policies matured and evolved." Wikileaks says the documents have to do with the interrogation of detainees.