The recent passage of the Telework Enhancement Act substantially changes the status of telework throughout government. But how? We get details from Dr. Scott Overmyer, author of a new study.
Lockheed Martin and Austal Limited will each build ten ships. Rear Admiral David Lewis, the Navy\'s Program Executive Officer for Ships, explains why that was necessary.
David Rice has also served as a Global Network Vulnerability analyst for the National Security Agency, sources tell Computer Business Review.
Tighter promotion opportunities and stronger up-or-out rules may loom as the Army seeks to cut the force by tens of thousands of soldiers.
Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III is meeting with NATO and European Union officials in Brussels to strengthen cyberdefense capabilities.
The Defense Department\'s leader of business process reform said Friday that she\'s hopeful the Government Accountability Office will remove one of DoD\'s high risk areas from its biennial list of government trouble spots. GAO is expected to issue the list within the next several weeks.
Part of \"The Need for the Next Generation\" special report, the VA Acquisition Academy\'s internship program develops future contracting professionals through rigorous classes, job rotations and leadership development.
The handbook offers tips to maintain security while online.
Was Chinese Premiers Hu Jintao in the dark on their stealth fighter? Earlier this month during a visit from Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, a very public demonstration of the plane took place and Mr. Hu appeared to be unaware of it. But was he? Some military officials have raised the specter of a divide between the Hu and military, but observers suggest that it was probably a part of an orchestrated power play --complete with plausible deniability for the Chinese leader considering the big meeting with President Obama was coming up.
For the first time in seven years suicides among active duty soldiers dropped, but according to the Army the dip was supplanted by a stark rise in suicides in the National Guard and Reserve ranks. The Associated Press reports Army Vice Chiefof Staff Gen. Peter Chiarelli said those victims, \"are often geographically separated, removed from the support network provided by military installations.\" Chiarelli said. \"They lack the ready camaraderie of fellow soldiers and the daily oversight and hands-on assistance from members of the chain of command.
How will a 7.3 magnitude earthquake in Pakistan impact the Afghan war? A U.S. military outpost in Afghanistan is very close to the epicenter of the quake, but there have been no reports of significant damage. A Pakistani government spokesman said there was minimal loss of life and property damage. Considering that many insurgents hide in the mountains around the area where the quake took place, NATO coalition troops are watching the situation to see if any movement or changes in behavior by the militants result from the quake.
As the mission in Iraq winds down, a federal civilian effort increases. We get the latest details from Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan, spokesman for U.S. Forces in Iraq.
The smart phone is about to go from practical to tactical. We learn more from Lt. Gen. Michael Vane, director of the Army Capabilities Integration Center.
BAE Systems has signed a $3.8 million contract to continue supplying the secure operating system that runs the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter\'s mission-planning software.
The House Armed Services Committee held its first meeting of the 112th Congress on Thursday, approving new rules, an oversight plan, and announcing the leaders and members of subcommittees. Committee Chairman Buck McKeon said the panel will hold its first oversight hearing next week.