National & World Headlines

  • Gladys Commons, assistant secretary of the Navy for financial management and comptroller, said the Navy hopes to have its Statement of Budgetary Resources audit-ready by the end of 2013, ahead of the Defense Department\'s deadline.

    March 15, 2012
  • Jim Hagy, director the Defense Human Capital practice at Deloitte, talks to The Federal Drive with Tom Temin about how the Defense Department can continue to achieve its mission in an ever changing world.

    March 15, 2012
  • Lawmakers weigh public\'s right to know against the need to protect cyber secrets. Sen. Patrick Leahy\'s (D-Vt.) provision in 2012 Defense authorization bill tightens the definition of \"exemptions,\" but he questions the need for further rules to give agencies power to withhold information.

    March 15, 2012
  • The service\'s CIO Terry Halvorsen said the goal is to bring together the purchasing power of the Navy and the Marines Corps to obtain lower prices. He said the Department of the Navy expects to save $100 million over five years. Navy senior officials from technology, acquisition and finance make the use of these enterprisewide contracts mandatory.

    March 15, 2012
  • The top lawyer for U.S. Cyber Command, Air Force Col. Gary Brown, calls the Stuxnet attack the model of a responsibly conducted cyber attack. Catherine Lotrionte, the executive director of George Washington University\'s Institute for Law, Science and Global Security joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss Stuxnet.

    March 14, 2012
  • Rep. Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) said Wednesday that his committee\'s 2013 DoD authorization bill will undo Defense spending cuts the Pentagon has already proposed.

    March 14, 2012
  • Even in the 21st century, it can still be awfully tough to vote in an election if you\'re thousands of miles from your local polling place. Making sure such voters can cast ballots in federal elections is the mission of the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), a Defense Department office that offers assistance not just to military personnel, but to any U.S. citizen who needs help casting a ballot from overseas.

    March 14, 2012
  • Rear Adm. Ted Carter, commander of the Enterprise Carrier Strike Group, spoke with Federal News Radio\'s Jared Serbu from the Atlantic Ocean as the carrier heads off for one last set of missions in Europe and the Middle East.

    March 14, 2012
  • Federal investigators expressed concerns Monday for the safety of some female veterans who rely on homeless shelters after inspections showed women housed in shelters approved only for men.

    March 14, 2012
  • Unless it\'s an emergency, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) told Defense Secretary Leon Panetta he would block requests by the Defense Department for reprogramming requests to move money between budget accounts.

    March 14, 2012
  • Dr. James Carafano, director of the Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation, discussed his perspective on the 2013 defense budget request.

    March 13, 2012
  • The Office of Naval Research is going beyond routine training to invest in its workforce. In addition to classroom time, employees can go to speaking engagements and complete rotational assignments, including virtual assignments.

    March 13, 2012
  • Susan Fallon, vice president of business development at Monster Government Solutions, spoke to the Federal Drive with Tom Temin about the aim of the 2012 Human Capital Management Defense Conference.

    March 13, 2012
  • Michael Chase, the former executive director for human capital at the Defense Contract Management Agency, said the good news is human beings are not resistant to change. The bad news is they won\'t change unless there is an imperative to do so.

    March 13, 2012