National & World Headlines

  • The Russian magazine Vlast says the Russia Navy came close to nuclear disaster in late December when a fire engulfed a nuclear-powered submarine carrying atomic weapons. Russian officials said at the time that all nuclear weapons aboard the Yekaterinburg nuclear submarine had been unloaded well before a fire engulfed the 167-metre (550 feet) vessel and there had been no risk of a radiation leak. But the respected Vlast weekly magazine quoted several sources in the Russian navy as saying that throughout the fire on Dec. 29 the submarine was carrying 16 R-29 intercontinental ballistic missiles, each armed with four nuclear warheads.

    February 15, 2012
  • Michael Reheuser is the director of the Defense Privacy and Civil Liberties Office, that oversees the Defense Department\'s compliance with the Privacy Act, which has been largely unchanged since 1974.

    February 15, 2012
  • DoD wants federal STEM professionals to help plan lessons and activities in critical fields like biotech and civil engineering.

    February 15, 2012
  • A hacker had stolen the credit card information of more the 16,000 users of the Army and Air Force Exchange Service website.

    February 15, 2012
  • Jim Watkins, the Army\'s director of accountability and audit readiness, says the Army wants to demonstrate to taxpayers that they\'re good stewards of the resources that taxpayers have provided.

    February 14, 2012
  • The Homeland Security Department would sharply raise spending for cybersecurity under the White House 2013 budget request.

    February 14, 2012
  • Travis Sharp, a fellow at the Center for a New American Security, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the defense budget. Sharp argued that the new budget and the accompanying strategy may actually make the automatic sequestration cuts, set to begin in January 2013, easier for Congress to swallow.

    February 13, 2012
  • Todd Harrison, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss pay and benefits proposals in the fiscal-year 2013 budget request unveiled Monday. CSBA has been surveying service members on how they view their benefits.

    February 13, 2012
  • The personnel proposals included in the 2013 Defense Department budget include hikes to healthcare fees, cutbacks in both uniformed and civilian personnel. DoD also plans to save money through continued efficiencies and plans to increase the acquisition workforce.

    February 13, 2012
  • Soldiers from the 807th Medical Deployment Support Command, Fort Douglas, Utah, are in North Africa this week --in Mali sharing their expertise with their Malian medical defense forces counterparts. The annual-joint-aerial-delivery exercise, hosted by U.S. Army Africa, brings together U.S. Army personnel with militaries in Africa to enhance air drop capabilities and ensure effective delivery of military resupply materials and humanitarian aid. Doctors and medics from both militaries are seizing this unique opportunity to expand on training.

    February 13, 2012
  • Ronald Kurjanowicz, director of strategy for defense research and engineering in the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, talked with Federal News Radio\'s Jared Serbu and Jason Miller about how DoD hopes the rules will help DoD do a better job of leveraging industry\'s capabilities.

    February 13, 2012
  • The president has nominated Katrina McFarland to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition.

    February 13, 2012
  • The Defense Department wants $179 billion for new aircraft, ships, vehicles, missiles and satellites.

    February 13, 2012
  • The chief of the military\'s Special Operations wants more authority and freedom to move his forces around the world.

    February 13, 2012