National & World Headlines

  • If confirmed he will replace Air Force Gen. Douglas M. Fraser at the Miami-based command and become the third Marine Corps commander of the Southern Command.

    January 30, 2012
  • A \"staging server\" hosted by one of the largest ISPs in the country is based in the Beijing area

    January 30, 2012
  • DoD says it will modify its acquisition regulations to require contracting officers to use the performance-based payments analysis tool.

    January 30, 2012
  • Department is calling for better internal communication to ensure records managers are on the same page. VA will offer credit monitoring to more than 2,000 veterans.

    January 30, 2012
  • The Air Force expects to cut its end strength by roughly 10,000 under the new DoD strategy the Pentagon revealed last week. Also the Army\'s service chief indicated DoD plans to ask Congress for two more rounds of base realignments and closures.

    January 30, 2012
  • Gordon Adams, a professor of international relations at American University and former associate director at the Office of Management and Budget, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss what the new DoD budget really means.

    January 27, 2012
  • The Pentagon has unveiled details of a 10-year strategy for defense cuts — including reductions in military pay and benefits. But before any large-scale changes are made, service members should be given a chance to voice their opinions of their compensation packages, the Center for Strategic and Budgetary, a prominent defense think tanks argues. \"The Pentagon is already starting to move to make changes in the compensation system,\" said CSBA senior fellow Todd Harrison. \"And basically our point here is before we start tinkering with things, before we start making changes we need to understand first how service members actually view different parts of their compensation package.\"

    January 27, 2012
  • Symantec\'s Veritas storage software had caused a shutdown of a military health database.

    January 27, 2012
  • The Pentagon begins the process of revealing its budget plan for fiscal year 2013. The proposal includes the scaling back of several weapons systems, savings on personnel costs, along with an assurance from top DoD officials that even though the military will be smaller, it will be more agile and more capable.

    January 27, 2012
  • The Pentagon says the Obama administration will propose to Congress that U.S. ground forces be reduced by 100,000 as part of budget cuts. Those cuts would also eliminate older aircraft, limit military pay raises and slow the buying of a next-generation fighter plane. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta tells a Pentagon news conference the administration will request a 2013 budget of $525 billion, plus another $88 billion for operations in Afghanistan. Combined, those totals are about $33 billion less than the Pentagon is spending this year.

    January 27, 2012
  • The Federal Drive spoke with a panel of experts about the lessons learned from NSPS and the future of pay-for-performance in the federal government. Pat Tamburrino, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civilian Personnel Policy Patrick Nealon, Director of Deloitte Consulting LLP\'s Federal Total Rewards practice Bob Tobias, former member of the Defense Business Board task group that studied NSPS

    January 27, 2012
  • Lawrence Korb, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress and former assistant Defense secretary for manpower and logistics, has analysis with The Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    January 27, 2012
  • Agencies are struggling to keep up with the tremendous amount of data being created every day. DIA deputy director David Shedd said too much information and not having the right IT to sift through it is the biggest remaining challenge the government faces. Kshemendra Paul, the program manager for the Information Sharing Environment, said tagging and standards, such as NIEM, could help solve the data deluge.

    January 27, 2012
  • Symantec\'s Veritas Storage Foundation storage software was the cause of a shutdown of the Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application clinical data repository as identified by the Military Health System. About 9.7 million electronic records for active-duty and retired military personnel and their families are stored on AHLTA.

    January 26, 2012