National & World Headlines

  • The Army has to get ready for the future, which includes complex threats from terrorists seeking weapons of mass destruction, hostile nation-states capable of nuclear warfare and the modern militaries being assembled in Russia and China. Defense Secretary Robert Gates told West Point cadets on Friday, they are joining a force that has been under pressure, but even though they\'ve been stressed, they\'ve been resilient. This is likely Gates last address to West Point. He\'s expected to leave the post this year.

    March 02, 2011
  • Did a U.S. military psychological operations unit in Afghanistan try to persuade visiting U.S. senators to increase war funding? A Rolling Stone magazine article quotes the leader of the Army unit, Lieutenant Colonel Michael Holmes, who seems to substantiate it. According to the article Homes says he objected to what he saw as an illegal use of his team\'s skills on American citizens. The article said the unit was ordered by Lieutenant General William Caldwell, a three-star commander in charge of training Afghan troops, to target visiting dignitaries.

    March 02, 2011
  • Kuwait\'s Ambassador to the U.S. says Kuwait is safe from the kinds of protests that have toppled the governments in Egypt and Tunisia. His Excellency Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah says the protests that have taken place there are a group of people who came there from Iraq, Syria and other places and destroyed their identification papers hoping to convince the government they are Bedouins and be granted citizenship. Why? In Kuwait, Housing is free for all, so is education and there are no taxes.

    March 02, 2011
  • The Pentagon is beginning to lay the groundwork for for a missile-defense shield in Europe. The Navy is sending a special radar-equipped ship to the Mediterranean Sea next week. Defense leaders say this is the…

    March 02, 2011
  • Militias have always played a big part in wars. But now cyber militias are popping up all over cyberspace.

    March 02, 2011
  • While speaking at the RSA conference in San Francisco DoD Deputy Director William Lynn said the military will need to change how it views cybersecurity.

    March 02, 2011
  • The chairman and the ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services committee are determined to find a near-term way to pass a Defense Department budget, and not merely a continuing resolution, for fiscal year 2011, the panel\'s top Democrat said Tuesday.

    March 02, 2011
  • The X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System Demonstration drone has completed its historic first flight. Now for carrier testing! We get details from Navy\'s Jaime Engdahl.

    March 02, 2011
  • Military officials detail the impact of a full-year continuing resolution on DoD. Defense Deputy Secretary Lynn said the department would meet payroll and medical bills, but have to cut acquisition and training programs.

    March 02, 2011
  • Gordon Adams is the former Associate Director for National Security and International Affairs at the Office of Management and Budget.

    March 01, 2011
  • Defense contractor EADS is thinking about its options, following the Air Force\'s choice to give Boeing that $35 billion tanker contract.

    March 01, 2011
  • Federal Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra said he wants to move toward giving feds a subsidy - of say, $2,000 - to purchase their own devices to work on.

    March 01, 2011
  • The Government Accountability Office released its first annual report required by Congress to examine overlap among federal programs. Auditors found agencies have redundant programs in everything from contracting to food safety to literacy education.

    March 01, 2011
  • Navy\'s proposed budget focuses on improving capabilities to counter threats while continuing to care for service members, civilians, and their families. Secretary Ray Mabus explains how it\'s all getting done.

    March 01, 2011