The billions of dollars that the ARRA has pumped through the government is giving agencies some financial management headaches. Making those headaches go away was just one topic I covered with Scott McIntyre, a principal…
EADS North America has announced that it plans to bid on the U.S. Air Force\'s tanker modernization program. Sean O\'Keefe, CEO of EADS North America, explains how the company plans to win.
A project designed during the Bush Administration to stem the flow of illegal immigration across the U.S.-Mexican border has now fallen on hard times, and formerly supportive lawmakers are now hinting of a dim future for the virtual fence. Thad Bingel, a former Chief of Staff at Customs and Border Protection, explains what\'s at stake.
OMB shifts to real time cybersecurity monitoring, cyberdefenses put to the test during annual NSA exercise, FCC considers testing cybersecurity compliancy
OPM proposes new dates for FEHBP open season, healthcare problem for Congress averted, TSP board nominees urge education, SBA considers partial relocation to Denver
The Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan wants to know how the Army is doing in administering services contracts.
Social Security CIO: potential to be an e-business is too great to pass up. April 22, 2010
In October 2009, President Barack Obama announced a groundbreaking initiative to increase the employment of people with disabilities in the Federal Workforce. Christine Griffin, Deputy Director at OPM, tells us about an upcoming career event.
Treasury will require individuals receiving Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, Veterans, Railroad Retirement and Office of Personnel Management benefits to receive payments electronically. Dick Gregg, the acting fiscal assistant secretary at the Treasury Department, explains.
The federal government is facing a variety of challenges when it comes to attracting employees into the Senior Executive Service. Carol Bonosaro, President of the SEA, asys those are the findings of a recent survey conducted by the Senior Executive Association.
The Navy may be changing its name soon from the Department of the Navy to the Department of the Navy and the Marine Corps. Jodi Schneider, Senior Editor in the Washington Bureau of the American Banker, has details on this an what else is moving on the Hill.
The Morning Federal Newscast is a daily compilation of the stories you hear
Nominee says a cyber war in and of itself would not exist, but more likely would be a part of a larger military campaign.
This week, host Larry Allen talks with Harold Jackson, president of Buffalo Supply. April 27, 2010