Roy A. Bernardi Deputy Secretary April 7th, 2008
April 4, 2008 Debra Roth and Ralph Conte host Supervisory Special Agent Randy Wolverton to examine factors related to the prosecution of elder abuse.
Ambassador Patrick F. Kennedy Undersecretary of State for Management March 31, 2008
Ken Blanchard Consultant, Speaker, Trainer, Author Ken Blanchard Companies March 28th, 2008
March 28,2008 Debra Roth and Lisa Bernstein host John Euler from the Department of Justice to discuss the impact of civilian efforts on the Iraqi reconstruction.
Nick Wakeman Editor, Washington Technology; Dick Stieglitz, business speaker and author Taming the Dragons of Change Special 1:00 pm airing March 28th, 2008
Rob Campbell Senior Technical Specialist Microsoft March 25th, 2008
Lt. Gen Pete Cuviello Senior Strategist Bearing Point/AFEI March 18th, 2008
Linda Washington Assistant Secretary for Administration March 17th, 2008
March 14, 2008 Bill Bransford and Jannika Cannon host Jonathan Breul to discuss The Center’s initiatives to improve operation and management of the public sector.
Dr. Frank Spampinato Chief Acquisition Officer February 10th, 2008