Several sources said OMB is getting pushback on its draft guidance from several CFOs who don't want to cede budgetary authority to CIOs.
The National Defense University is looking for a new chief information officer.
Kathy Stack who spent the last 28 years at the Office of Management and Budget, was the quiet leader behind the move toward evidence-based decision making over the last few years.
A year after canceling its $2 billion training contract, the Office of Personnel Management is getting closer to finalizing what that new procurement vehicle will look like.
The General Services Administration extended the Networx contract for three years and released the draft request for proposals for the first major piece of the Network Services 2020 vehicle Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) on Feb. 28.
Knowledge Consulting Group will implement tools and services from three vendors on the Homeland Security Department's network.
The Defense Department has the perfect job for the executive with a passion for technology and human resources. DoD is looking for a new director of its enterprise HR information systems in the Office of…
The Securities and Exchange Commission is promoting from within for its new chief information officer. NASA is losing a key senior technology executive to retirement.
The Office of Management and Budget is getting kudos for its initial steps to implement the Federal Information Technology Reform Act (FITARA).
The White House is interested government procurement. No, not the Office of Management and Budget, which includes the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, but the actual West Wing.
Wanted: A cloud infrastructure where the vendor is responsible for not only the technology, but moving petabytes of data from legacy systems and making it all available on multiple form factors.
Bajinder Paul, who spent the last 17 months as the Federal Trade Commission's chief information officer, now is with the Federal Reserve Bank.
The Alliant governmentwide acquisition contract for IT services widely has been considered one of the most successful multiple award contracts over the last decade. Two recent blogs highlight some interesting trends.
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement directorate within the Homeland Security Department is on the CIO search once again.