Every week it seems as if federal chief technology officers and chief information officers gather to discuss the latest trends — cloud computing, virtualization, big data, and mobility to name a few. Each has transformed how agencies operate. VMware has been a major supplier of virtualization technology and now it's branching out. Federal Drive host Tom Temin spoke with Carl Eschenbach, VMware's chief operating officer, at a recent conference.
Angel Santa, the deputy CIO at the Office of Justice Programs, said an acquisition is possible in the coming months for a wireless network as part of an effort to make employees more mobile ready. March 20, 2014
Al Sloane program manager from the Department of Labor's benefits.gov site, and Atacan Donmez, senior director at eGlobal Tech, discuss this year's excellence in government awards. March 18, 2014
Agencies must use only cloud services that have been approved under the Federal Risk Authorization and Management Program (FedRAMP) by June. OMB will receive more details on agency progress with the latest quarterly update through PortfolioStat. Meanwhile, FedRAMP's security baseline will be revised this summer.
Randy Wood, federal vice president of F5 Networks will discuss how Software Defined Application Services or SDAS, can benefit your agency. February 25, 2014
Annette Moore, the chief information officer at the Johnson Space Center, said she's reshaping her office to be more flexible and agile in meeting the IT needs of the mission areas. February 20, 2014
Van Hitch, senior advisor for Deloitte's Federal Practice, and former Justice Department CIO, joins host Roger Waldron to talk about how cloud computing, mobile technology, and other IT advances can help your agency become more efficient. February 4, 2014
West Health's Kerry McDermott, and the Office of Science and Technology's chief science officer, Dr. Douglas Fridsma, will discuss this week's Healthcare Innovation Day, and new developments in healthcare interoperability. February 4, 2014
A new white paper from SafeGov recommended ways for agencies to move to an integrated cloud and cyber approach and away from one that is fragmented and ad hoc in many respects. Karen Evans, a co-author of the report and a former Office of Management and Budget administrator for e-government and IT, said agencies need a clearer picture of how this integration could happen.
The Defense Information Systems Agency says an eventual commercial cloud buy probably won't be bundled into a single contract vehicle, but in the meantime, DoD needs to work through challenges involving security, approval policy and network operations.
The platform, called Acropolis, is initially being used only for network operations and cybersecurity data, but officials plan to expand it to help solve big data challenges around financial and acquisition information.
Ravee Kurian and David Blackburn from Sapient will discuss how federal agencies can implement digital strategies to improve outcomes and reduce costs. January 14, 2014
Federal News Radio Executive Editor Jason Miller joins host Mark Amtower to talk about a number of Federal IT issues. January 13, 2014
Dave Bowen, the director of health care IT and CIO of the Defense Health Agency, joined Federal News Radio for an online chat on Monday, Jan. 13. View the archived discussion now.
Cloud computing reduces costs related to upgrades and system maintenance, cuts down on paper usage and increases the speed with which apps can be deployed.