Larry Hale, director of GSA's Center for Strategic Solutions and Security Services, will talk about some of the agency's most important programs and initiatives. August 28, 2012
The thunderstorm in June knocked out GSA's connection, threatening some of the agency's core operations. GSA's chief information officer Casey Coleman said agencies should consider enlisting secondary Internet access providers to ensure connectivity during emergencies.
This week the Army exceeded 500,000 users on its enterprise email network. The migration of potentially 3.7 million users to the network should be completed by March 2013. The Defense Department's move to a single, cloud-based system run by the Defense Information Systems Agency sets the stage for other enterprise-wide systems, said John Hale, DISA's chief of enterprise applications, in an interview with Federal News Radio's Jared Serbu and Jason Miller.
The Army chief information officer said the military service was well on its way to completely migrating to the cloud-based email by March.
OMB issued fiscal 2014 technology project guidance detailing the steps agencies should take to reduce spending across six areas. Agencies also must tell OMB how it would reinvest the savings into new or innovative projects.
Brocade's Vice President of Federal Anthony Robbins discusses moving from a traditional capital expenditure (CapEx) method to one based on operational expenses (OpEx) when it comes to cloud computing. Aug. 14, 2012
New director of the Defense Intelligence Agency challenges his workers to better serve their customers — both military and private sector — by being more responsive, timely and relevant.
Most IT managers are moving data to the cloud, but 40 percent of them believe doing that will weaken security of that data.
The goal is for federal websites to accept third- party ID management credentials. The Federal Cloud Credential Exchange (FCCX) Tiger Team wants to know more about existing commercial products and services that can help.
Kevin Youel Page, deputy commissioner for the Office of Integrated Technology Services, will talk about the agency's goals and initiatives. August 7, 2012
On this week's Bloomberg Government Capital Impact show, analysts will discuss which cybersecurity companies are being targeted for mergers and acquisitions. Plus, what's next in the internet tax debate and how are companies benefiting from the R&D tax credit. August 2, 2012
The General Services Administration will hold a vendor day Aug. 7 in Washington, D.C. The concept of identity management in the cloud builds on the efforts included in the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC).
Dusty Wince, CEO of Knowledge Consulting Group will explain how his company can help your agency or business move securely to the cloud. July 24, 2012
A Congressional Research Service report found DoD accounts for 63 percent of energy consumption in the U.S. The White House's move to consolidate data centers could save at least $3 billion by 2015.
The CIO said he's using an agile approach to keep large programs on track and looking to the cloud to improve the agency's business processes. Jul 19, 2012(Encore presentation August 27, 2012)