Raghav Vajjhala, the chief information officer of the FTC, said a new blanket purchase agreement with four vendors will help the agency take a low risk approach to IT modernization.
Public Technology Institute's Executive Director Alan Shark provides interesting perspective on government shutdown, local government IT priorities for 2019, a comparison with NASCIO's state priorities, and discloses merger with CompTIA.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Veterans Affairs Department releases its much anticipated community care standards, which lay out what veterans are allowed to get medical treatment from non-VA doctors.
Patrick Curran, Federal CTO at Planet Technologies, joins host John Gilroy on this week's Federal Tech Talk to discuss how Microsoft is evolving to better respond to needs of today’s federal IT professionals.
In today's Federal Newscast, Senate Democrats have brought forth a companion to a new bill from House Democratic leaders, which calls for giving civilian federal employees a 2.6 percent pay raise.
What can you do to land a federal IT job? Find out when Joshua Meredith, assistant dean of Analytics, Technology & Security MPS Programs at the Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies, joins host John Gilroy on this week's Federal Tech Talk. January 29, 2019
If the government hopes to modernize its information technology, it will need good systems engineers.
In today's Federal Newscast, President Donald Trump hints that another government shutdown is likely after funding runs out again in three weeks.
DISA is leading many of the reform and efficiency initiatives mandated by former Defense Secretary James Mattis particularly around technology modernization and enterprise services.
Rep. Will Hurd (R-Texas) said he hoped for more bipartisan support in 2019 for major issues like cybersecurity and transportation.
Marina Fox, from the dot gov domain services in office of governmentwide policy at GSA, said an 18-month effort proved that artificial intelligence could help make sure agencies meet federal regulatory requirements easier.
As cyber and supply chain issues continue to evolve, the success of the federal procurement system is contingent upon the government’s ability to secure and defend the nation’s digital information infrastructure.
In today's Federal Newscast, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates there were about $2.3 billion in government contracts that would have been issued to small firms over the past month, but weren't because of the government shutdown.
The Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC), an IT firm that gets about 50 percent of its work from DoD, says its bills are starting to add up due to the partial government shutdown.
The Air Force will merge the three-star positions that oversee intelligence and IT into a single position, known as the A2/A6. Lt. Gen. Dash Jamieson is expected to lead the new organization.