
  • The CIA-based investment firm that identifies technology for use by the CIA and other intelligence agencies, has formed investment and development agreements with two startups.

    January 18, 2011
  • Gino Magnifico, the chief information officer for the Army Contracting Command, explains how tenets of the 25-point plan from the Office of Management and Budget have helped boost performance at ACC.

    January 17, 2011
  • The $4.6 billion contract is expected to be awarded to a single vendor, who will be responsible for the operations of DoD\'s Global Information Grid for at least three years.

    January 17, 2011
  • January 25th at 11AM Administration\'s aim to fundamentally change how the Federal Government purchases and uses IT. One of the biggest goals is to reduce the number of Federal data centers by at least 40 percent by 2015.

    January 17, 2011
  • By Jason Miller Executive Editor Federal News Radio The Homeland Security Department’s contract for the technology infrastructure at its new headquarters in Washington, D.C., will add another episode to the ongoing saga. DHS, through the…

    January 17, 2011
  • The executives of Vote iQ explains how the site works and how it differs from other social networking sites.

    January 17, 2011
  • The Navy is moving ahead with its technology consolidation initiative by putting an end to spending money on new servers, server upgrades and data centers. Under a new directive, any spending for servers or data…

    January 17, 2011
  • January 25th, 2010 at 12:30 PM Workers, Citizens, and Customers need easy access to their tools and teams to make quicker, higher quality decisions. They require a high level of responsiveness, agility, and data in a format they can use, i.e. Efficient, Mobile Information Transfer Panelists will examine how we provide instant worker status, state, and preferences before you make that first contact - saving up to 1/3rd of your time. How do you help workers connect the right way the first time to speed decision making and elevate efficiency and productivity ; If you\'re the implementer, how do you implement presence-based mobility strategies while balancing today\'s communications innovation and productivity?

    January 17, 2011
  • Gizmodo and Geoff Livingston\'s blog pose the question: How equal are we online on the 25th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

    January 17, 2011
  • January 17th and January 18th, 2011 \"For more than three decades, Paradis has worked to improve national food and nutrition programs and she will now be able to hit the ground running to enhance how these programs are delivered to the American people,\" said Vilsack.

    January 17, 2011
  • CECOM Life Cycle Management Command (LCMC) is part of Army Materiel Command (AMC). Lately, it\'s been on the move-- and supported more than ever by video teleconferencing. Since 2008, CECOM been making a massive migration of its headquarters from Ft Monmouth, NJ to Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG). VTC is critical for CECOM to stay connected with its 8,500-strong team -- including both the 50% of that team based outside HQ or forward deployed, supporting seven regional Army field support brigades as well as warfighting units in the field. \"For the last 2-3 years, video teleconferencing has enabled us to operate effectively in a \'split-based operation\' during the BRAC transition,\" said Ed Thomas, Deputy to the Commanding General, CECOM. \"And it gives us this amazing connection from APG right to the front lines of the battlefield.\" New location means new equipment. By the end of 2011, CECOM will have VTC conferencing hardwired into 13 conference rooms at APG. \"The gear being installed by CACI will be IP based with ISDN as a backup capability. In addition, we will USE Defense Connect On-Line and Microsoft Communication Software for desktop VTC capability,\" said Patricia O\'Connor, CIO for CECOM LCMC. \"VTC supports a more effective exchange of information that means faster turnaround for mission support.\" CECOM participates in three major weekly VTC meetings. First, there\'s a CECOM worldwide operations update, to review the work we\'re doing in support of the warfighter, and track the supply and maintenance issues. Second, AMC holds its weekly VTC across 30-40 nodes including seven regional support commands, along with subordinate commands like CECOM and its counterparts in aviation, missiles and tanks. The third is the weekly depot maintenance production reviews -- a big part of making sure equipment get overhauled and back to the troops. \"After there\'s an improvised explosive device (IED) attack, it\'s important for us to see what happened to the vehicle that was attacked and how the IED was detonated. Our engineers and scientists can get a better understanding of the operational needs and valuable information to engineer better solutions,\" said Thomas. \"We also use VTC within CECOM for General Strong\'s staff calls, to connect our people at Tobyhanna, PA, Ft Monmouth, Ft Hood, Ft Huachuca, and Ft Belvoir. There\'s clear cost savings associated with it; often we\'re able to effectively conduct a meeting or conference without having to travel.\"

    January 17, 2011
  • An Iowa State University associate professor and associate of the Department of Energy\'s Ames Laboratory has been working with polymers that repair themselves when they crack. He\'s worked with polymers made from vegetable oils. Now - he\'s working to combine the two technologies. Michael Kessler is researching and developing biorenewable polymers that are capable of healing themselves as they degrade and crack. He says - if successful, the research will provide biorenewable alternatives to petroleum-based resins, which he says could have a huge economic and environmental impacts. The technology has evolved into a system that embeds catalysts and microcapsules containing a liquid healing agent inside the polymer. As cracks develop, they rupture the microcapsules and release the healing agent.

    January 17, 2011
  • To help mark the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy, officials with the National Archive and the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, have unveiled the nation\'s largest online digitized presidential archive. It provides unprecedented global access to the most important papers, records, photographs and recordings of President John F. Kennedy\'s thousand days in office - making them accessible without traveling to the Kennedy Library in Boston. The Digital Archive includes over 200,000 pages, 300 reels of audio tape containing over 12-hundred recordings of telephone conversations, speeches and meetings, 300 museum artifacts, 72 reels of moving images and 15-hundred photos. It\'s now available to teachers, students, scholars, and others through the website jfklibrary-dot-org.

    January 17, 2011
  • NASA\'s Kepler mission has confirmed the discovery of its first rocky planet, named Kepler-10-b. It\'s 1-point-four times the size of Earth, making it the smallest planet ever discovered outside our solar system. Team leaders at NASA\'a Ames Research Center in California say it\'s also the first solid evidence of a rocky planet orbiting a star other than our sun. The size of the exoplanet can be derived from periodic dips in brightness. Kepler\'s ultra-precise photometer measures the tiny decrease in a star\'s brightness that happen when a planet crosses in front of it. The distance between the planet and the star is calculated by measuring the time between successive dips as the planet orbits the star. As a result of the analysis, that star orbited by the planet - Kepler-10 - is now one of the most well-characterized planet-hosting stars in the universe.

    January 17, 2011



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