
  • Symantec reports that Dutch experts have made key discoveries about the Internet virus.

    November 16, 2010
  • The anger toward the TSA pat-downs and scans is all over the Internet, but can this discontent translate into real action?

    November 16, 2010
  • McAfee warms of the twelve online scams to be aware of.

    November 16, 2010
  • Priscilla Guthrie spent about 18 months as CIO before stepping down effective Friday.

    November 16, 2010
  • Jim York, a noted trainer in the Scrum method and president of FoxHedge, delves into concepts about structuring requirements and defining terms like \"product owner\" and \"ScrumMaster.\"

    November 16, 2010
  • The Defense Information Systems Agency will hang on to its old National Gateway Center Messaging System for a while longer, despite the face the system is very old. The system runs very slowly compared with…

    November 16, 2010
  • With the explosion of government data now online, the government will rely on \'data curators\' to help the public make sense of the information, The New York Times and O\'Reilly Radar report.

    November 16, 2010
  • A leading House proponent of cybersecurity legislation is doubtful new cyber laws will pass during the lame duck session.

    November 16, 2010
  • The Wounded Warrior Project is a new collaboration among Raytheon, Cisco - it offers wounded veterans a chance to learn computer and cybersecurity skills. Bob Connors, project director, talks with Federal News Radio about the details.

    November 16, 2010
  • China hijacked fifteen percent of Internet traffic across the globe. Nobody noticed, except for some cybersecurity experts. They may have also had access to data from U.S. military, civilian organizations and those of other U.S. allies.

    November 16, 2010
  • A huge change to the FEHBP did not come off as planned. OPM’s planned Health Claims Data Warehouse was supposed to launch yesterday. Instead, a notice has appeared in the Federal Register extending the comment…

    November 16, 2010
  • In theory, plants could be the ultimate \"green\" factories, engineered to pump out the kinds of raw materials we now obtain from petroleum-based chemicals. In reality, its been an elusive goal. Now, in a first step toward achieving industrial-scale green production, scientists from the Department of Energy\'s Brookhaven National Lab and their collaborators report engineering a plant that does produce the levels of compounds that could potentially be used to make plastics. The raw materials for most precursors currently come from petroleum or coal-derived synthetic gas. Additional technology is needed, but researchers say they\'ve now engineered a new metabolic pathway in plants for producing a kind of fatty acid that can be used as a source of precursors to chemical building blocks for making plastics such as polyethylene.

    November 15, 2010
  • The Department of Commerce and National Telecommunications and Information Administration have released a report called \"Digital Nation II,\" that analyzes broadband Internet access across the United States. The study is the the most comprehensive of its kind. It finds that even after accounting for socioeconomic differences, large gaps persist along racial, ethnic, and geographic lines. The report analyzes data collected through a survey of 54,000 households conducted by the Census Bureau. It shows that while virtually all demographic groups have experienced increases of broadband Internet use at home, and 64 percent of households overall have the service, there are still historic disparities among demographic groups. Officials worry that Americans who lack broadband Internet access are cut off from educational and employment opportunities.

    November 15, 2010
  • The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has just completed a major update of the agency\'s primary education resource portal; the website The aim is to better connect educators and students interested in NOAA\'s education and science resources. The website serves as a portal to lesson plans, educational multi-media, data sources, career profiles, and other education content from across the agency. The content contains five themes. Teachers can find information about hurricanes, tides, climate change, the water-cycle or other earth science topics on the site. The site also provides information on professional development, academic scholarships, career exploration, and education grants. NOAA\'s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth\'s environment, and to conserve and manage coastal and marine resources.

    November 15, 2010



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