Can the Defense Department help itself to commercial intellectual property, even stuff not developed with federal dollars? Yes it can, as a matter of fact. At least judging from a recent case before the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals.
In today's Federal Newscast: Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks talks about a mental-health priority. The financial systems modernization at DHS comes under GAO scrutiny. And the IRS is looking for volunteers to advise the agency.
The next nine months will prove crucial ones for federal contractors. Lots of acquisition regulations cooking, expansion of Buy American and more White House emphasis on small disadvantaged business.
The Department of Transportation (DOT) has a lot of goals for its latest five-year R&D and technology plan, including a transportation system that is safer, greener and more resilient than the one we have now.
She's done about everything you can do as a civilian working for the Air Force: Installations, energy, housing, safety and health. Now she's the director of staff at Air Force HQ and oversees. A full plate.
In today's Federal Newscast: There's no dance step or sidestep to help avoid the TikTok ban. The Director of CISA calls for changes in how tech companies design their products. And legacy data centers are dropping like flies and saving billions of dollars.
Community resilience programs exist in several agencies. An incident shows how important they are.
The continuous showdown continues on Capitol Hill this week. Congress returns to session, just days before the expected White House release of its 2024 budget request.
Former President Donald Trump, former vice president Mike Pence, and President Joe Biden don't have much in common. But all three got caught with classified documents that they took home.
Two Social Security provisions have long rankled federal employees and others in public service. One is called the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP). The other is the Government Pension Offset (GPO).
In today's Federal Newscast: The CIO shuffle continues at two agencies. AFGE rejects calls to cut the DoD civilian workforce. And CISA revamps its website and adds a big red button.
Thanks to last year's legislation to help the semiconductor industry, the National Science Foundation was given $9.9 billion in its record budget for fiscal 2023.
In today's Federal Newscast: A Massachusetts senator calls for a glitchy asylum app to be shut down at the border. The GAO reports that the VA is failing to follow protocol when hiring drug felons. And a video-game-like simulator helps train Latin American military personnel at a Texas Air Force base.
Congress may yet upend an enduring wrinkle in Social Security benefits, a disparity long resented by certain federal employees and public servants at the state and local levels.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's department issued a new small-business strategy a couple of weeks ago. It comes as more dollars are going to fewer smaller businesses.