Agencies have a hard time achieving innovation. Now the innovation committee of the Professional Services Council has come up with one step federal agencies can take to improve their ability to innovate. Dave Wennergren, executive vice president at the Council, shares the latest on Federal Drive with Tom Tem
Contractors tend to stand by during election seasons, even though the party of the forthcoming administration is a reliable indicator of what procurement policy will look like. It might be tempting to do a little lobbying or contributions to a candidate. That's OK, but only under strict rules. Justin Chiarodo, a partner at Blank Rome, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin with the latest.
In today's Top Federal Headlines, a reported arrangement between House lawmakers could stave off impeachment vote for IRS Commissioner John Koskinen.
You might not want to sample cookies before they come out of the oven. But when it comes to hiring soon-to-be college graduates, you might not want to wait until they get their diplomas to begin the dialog. By then the best ones might already be taken. Tim McManus, vice president for education and outreach at the Partnership for Public Service, shares more on the Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
Imagine a company as high tech as Apple or Intel submitting legally required financial reports on PDFs and other non-machine-readable documents. That's what happens every day at agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission. Representative Randy Hultgren (R- Ill.) wants to change that. He joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin to discuss a new bill he's co-sponsoring, the Financial Transparency Act.
In today's Top Federal Headlines, the Office of Personnel Management ends the blackout period for claims and reimbursements for federal employees' Flexible Spending Accounts.
The updated is looking pretty good. As in, two clicks to lists of jobs in your general area of expertise.
The Department of Health and Human Services stood up its Idea Lab in 2013 to establish and build on a culture of innovation within the department.
Officials with GSA's FedRAMP program say they are about to authorize the first provider coming through the accelerated process.
High heat and humidity return to Washington this week. So does Congress, at least what's left of the 114th session. Only three weeks remain in the federal fiscal year and there's no budget. What can we expect? For some answers, David Hawkings, senior editor at Roll Call, sat down with the Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
The upcoming presidential transition will bring thousands of new faces to top leadership positions, but they might find federal ethics rules to be more stringent than what they've seen in the private sector.
Companies are now for the first time sharing cyber threat indicators with the Department of Homeland Security.
In today's Top Federal Headlines, veterans will now be able to apply for Veterans Affairs health benefits by phone.
Hillary Clinton seems to have a real love of policy detail. Donald Trump is more of a broad-brush painter.
Federal hiring managers use the same few authorities for nearly all the people they hire. Maybe they have too many choices. The Government Accountability Office identified no less than 105 authorities. Most of them are rarely used.