"We have a mission in law from them, which is to help government leaders at all levels really tackle the tough problems," Terry Gerton said.
"We could view cybersecurity as an entry level problem, but it is probably more of an intermediate and advanced role problem," Keith Clement said.
"There are a number of ways that the Defense Department is kind of at a disadvantage here," POGO's Dylan Hedtler-Gaudette said.
"I think there are a couple of things that companies might want to shift gears on right now," Larry Allen said.
"We want to understand these patterns better to help us better identify the socioeconomic factors," Michael Palmedo said.
Those calls come after the Council on Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency substantiated multiple allegations of wrongdoing by DHS IG Joseph Cuffari.
"They've hired across the spectrum in terms of what they need, but they're still hoping to fill some additional positions," Leigh Ann Searight said.
"There are only 75 PEO offices inside the four services. And I decided to go figure out who they were," said Steve Blank.