Companies operating at U.S. airports sometimes need extra help in processing inbound international passengers or cargo. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will provide that help as a service, for which the agency receives reimbursement.
The Chips Act shoveled billions of taxpayer dollars to the microelectronics industry. One reason for making more circuits domestically is greater cybersecurity and supply assurance. Now a sort of overlooked piece of the electronics supply chain is gaining attention in Congress: The boards the chips are mounted on. For more, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke with the Executive Director of the Printed Circuit Board Association of America, David Schild.
In today's Federal Newscast: USPS wanted to break even this fiscal year. Instead, it has lost nearly $7 billion. The CIO-SP4 governmentwide acquisition contract might finally be in the home stretch. And OMB tells agencies to update their plans for a government shutdown.
With the machinery already cranking up for a federal government shutdown, can Congress pull itself together to pass a continuing resolution? The situation is fluid.
Whether you think the U.S. defense budget is too big or two small, one thing is for sure: The planned increase in spending doesn't keep up with inflation. For more on that, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin talked with someone who says there are ways to reallocate the $800 billion odd dollars to get more capability: Heritage Foundation Senior Policy Analyst Wilson Beaver.
You will survive the government shutdown, if there is one. But it takes some planning and a little knowledge of what to expect. To get some thoughts from a veteran of government shutdowns, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin talked with former Postal Service Manager Abe Grungold.
In today's Federal Newscast: Half the time, GAO says, America's 450 F-35 fighters are grounded because of maintenance issues. GSA again extends the due date for bids for OASIS+. And the VA is taking back nearly $10 million in bonuses.
There are lots of reasons why its bad when politicians fail to appropriate money to keep the government going at the end of a fiscal year. This year's shutdown brinksmanship is sharper than ever. So what's so bad if the government shuts down for a few days or a month? Federal Drive Host Tom Temin talked about a list of reasons with Vice President of Research for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, Jeff Holland.