The Air Force is preparing to invest in what it’s calling Digital U, an online schoolhouse similar to Udemy or Codecademy that will let airmen learn basic cyber skills.
In today's Federal Newscast, two lawmakers want to even the playing field for hourly wage workers and General Schedule employees who work in the same location.
Amazon protest stalls at the narrow bandwidth of the court filing system
Though rare, procurement fraud is a persistent problem. Now a former Air Force procurement official has put together a book on the topic.
Continued U.S. leadership in nearly every area of science and technology will depend on a sound system of computing resources.
The 2020 NDAA bars DoD from converting military medical billets to civilian ones until more analysis is done.
A new report from the president's National Infrastructure Advisory Council has urged CISA and its government partners to consolidate its multiple information-sharing and supply chain risk management endeavors.
Agencies have a specific goal now from Congress to move security clearance holders from periodic reinvestigations to continuous vetting programs. The goal is just one of several provisions aimed at modernizing the security clearance process that lawmakers included in the 2020 defense policy bill.