Veterans Affairs

  • VA's Veterans First contracting program is making progress since a critical 2013 accountability report, but lawmakers say the agency could be doing more.

    November 05, 2015
  • The Veterans Affairs Department is telling Congress how it's going to meet veterans' health care needs. The plan, due Sunday, stems from the patient care crisis that rocked the VA last year. At the heart of it is the admission that VA can't do this all by itself as its new under secretary for health David Shulkin tells Federal News Radio's Emily Kopp.

    October 30, 2015
  • The Veterans Affairs Office of Information and Technology has an aggressive timeline to change how it does business with veterans, industry and its employees. VA Chief Information Officer LaVerne Council is leading that charge. Her office has been working on a new enterprise cybersecurity strategy. And it's managed to get a favorable early review from a skeptical Congress. Federal News Radio's Nicole Ogrysko has more on what else the VA's CIO wants to get done.

    October 19, 2015
  • Why push the down button on the career elevator? According to a report from the Office of Inspector General at the Department of Veterans Affairs, two Washington-based senior executives used their clout to get what amounted to a demotion - one with fewer responsibilities but the same level of pay. The benefit of the demotion, according to the IG's report, was that the two career SESers got to keep their Washington pay levels while transferring to lower pressure jobs in places with more winter sports and better cheesesteaks.

    October 02, 2015
  • When scandals over scheduling and poor health care reached a boiling point in 2014, Congress acted. One of its mandates in the Veterans Affairs reform bill was a top-to-bottom review of VA's organizational set-up and whether it was optimal for delivering health care consistently. That task fell to the non-profit Mitre Corporation. After it completed that work, Mitre convened a blue-ribbon commission to review its findings. Gail Wilensky was a co-chair of the commission. On the Federal Drive with Tom Temin, she describes the scope of the commission's work, and by extension, how deeply Mitre dove in the VA.

    September 23, 2015
  • In 1946, General Omar Bradley stated, while Administrator of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 'We are dealing with veterans, not procedures; their problems, not ours.' The VA long ago lost site of this aptly stated goal of the VA."

    September 11, 2015
  • Roger Baker, former CIO at Veterans Affairs, and Tim Young, principal at Deloitte Digital, count down the week's top federal stories with Francis Rose.

    September 11, 2015
  • The Veterans Health Administration ran out of money this fiscal year. It was about to close hospitals before Congress stepped in to help. To make sure this never happens again, Dr. David Shulkin, VHA’s new leader, has told his chief medical officers to work closely with financial managers. Chief Financial Officer Kathleen Turco tells Federal News Radio’s Emily Kopp more.

    September 10, 2015
  • Starbucks calls its employees "partners." Disney has "cast members." The Ritz-Carlton has "ladies and gentlemen." The VA's new Chief Veterans Experience Officer Tom Allin says the department also needs to see its workers in a new light.

    September 08, 2015
  • Taxpayers pay for two Veterans Affairs Departments, says Federal Drive host Tom Temin. There's the good VA, which reduces its backlog of disability claims. The bad VA continues to struggle with management problems.

    September 07, 2015
  • The Veterans Affairs Department launches, a digital doorway to help organize online resources for veterans.

    September 04, 2015
  • Exclusive: The Veterans Affairs Department Secretary’s idea to create “” is so good, the Labor Department already did it.

    August 12, 2015
  • Veterans Affairs Secretary Bob McDonald says he's baffled by the way the federal government tends to separately brand each one of its IT offerings, especially its public-facing ones.

    August 10, 2015
  • The House of Representatives passed a bill last week making it much easier to fire employees at the Department of Veterans Affairs. Former DHS HR exec Jeff Neal says we will not see a big increase in the number of fired employees, but those who are fired will have far fewer legal rights than they do today.

    August 07, 2015