The Navy will no longer discharge sailors who fail its physical fitness assessment, and is cancelling early-out programs that let sailors leave the military voluntarily, steps officials say are required by a "growing Navy."
One of the big myths about government workers is that they are fireproof; once in, they are employed for life. That may not be the case at the Interior Department.
The Housing and Urban Development Department has learned how to hire more people more quickly. Now, it's learning how to re-skill its human resources office.
A new president kept the federal workforce on its toes this year. Bureauchat hosts Meredith Somers and Nicole Ogrysko discuss the most important stories they covered in 2017.
Lawmakers and military analysts weigh in on the most important personnel and readiness issues for 2018.
Agencies offered special payment authorities, such as retention incentives or student loan repayments, to less than 6 percent of the federal workforce between fiscal 2014 and 2016, according to a new study from the Government Accountability Office.
Margaret Weichert, the president's nominee to the deputy director for management at the Office of Management and Budget, easily earned approval from members of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee during Thursday's nomination hearing.
After two years of trouble, the National Guard is still hurting for cyber troops.
The Trump administration's push to reorganize government and reshape the federal workforce is prompting agencies to think about the work they do and the skills their current employees will need to accomplish it.
The D.C. District Court struck down a request by the Defense Department to delay the accession of transgender people into the military.
The 2018 defense authorization bill makes changes to immigration, child care and spouse licensing policies.
The Office of Personnel Management authorized a special Schedule A hiring authority to help agencies bring on specific professionals for their IT modernization and "smarter IT delivery initiative" projects. The authority expires Sept. 30, 2018.
More and more agencies are turning to alternative personnel systems as a solution to hiring, accountability or performance challenges.
A new survey is worrying the leader of DoD's personnel and readiness office about how the military will recruit in the future.
The 2017 Blue Star Families Lifestyle Survey finds military families have a new top concern: time with loved ones.