The White House introduced new steps to attract, develop and retain current and future members of the Senior Executive Service. President Obama signed an executive order Dec. 15, which gives agencies four major tasks for implementing SES reform.
A draft policy letter obtained by Federal News Radio reduces the amount of days DISA employees are able to telework.
Some federal agencies give non-monetary incentives to complete employee surveys. Why would they do that? And is it fair or stacking the deck?
Lots of members of Congress and even some in the Pentagon look at that big north parking lot and think one thing: What a payroll. The question of bloated headquarters staff seems resistent to efforts to cut it. But now the 2016 Defense Authorization bill calls on DoD to cut 30 percent of its staff over the next four years. Federal News Radio's Scott Maucione shares more on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
To change its culture, the CIA is focusing on the training, recruitment and broad support of its employees. Kimberly Ofobike, the deputy chief of the CIA’s modernization team, said the new talent center of excellence will help lead this people-focused effort.
The Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey has shown for years that federal workers do not believe their agencies do a good job of dealing with poor performance and misconduct. Jeff Neal, senior vice president of ICF International, says more has to be done to hold federal workers accountable.
The Hispanic Council on Federal Employment agreed to set up a working group that would study and ultimately propose how agencies can conduct more comprehensive barrier analyses of Hispanics in the federal workforce. Hispanics made up 8.4 percent of the federal workforce in 2014.
The Senate Armed Services Committee is holding hearings on less prominent Defense officials after a long stalemate over a congressional rule change.
Based on the work of two study groups, the Pentagon is likely to ask Congress to revise two key statutes underlying its personnel management system for military officers: the Goldwater-Nichols Act and the Defense Officer Personnel Management Act.
The House Veterans Affairs Committee came down hard on the steps VA has taken so far to hold its employees accountable for misconduct. Deputy VA Secretary Sloan Gibson said the department is putting employees on detail rather than paid administrative leave, while the VA finishes a disciplinary investigation.
The Office of Personnel Management analyzed data from the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey and found specific ways for agencies to improve employee satisfaction.
The Congressional Budget Office has found, the Defense Department could save billions by replacing uniformed people with civilian or contractors in certain non-combat, support jobs. But should it? Nora Bensahel, a military analyst and scholar in residence at American University, shared her analysis of the CBO report on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
Nani Coloretti, the HUD deputy secretary, said the 8 point increase in the 10th annual Best Places to Work rankings can be traced to listening to employees and communicating changes.
For the first time in four years, federal employee satisfaction and commitment improved among the workforce, according to the Partnership for Public Service's 2015 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government.
A group of former and current federal executives advise against making the mobility provisions in the executive order to reform the Senior Executive Service too narrow.