Workforce Rights/Governance

  • The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, the Military Officers Association of America, the American Foreign Service Association and others rally against any potential or real proposals to change how the government calculates cost of living adjustments. The groups propose using the CPI-E formula to measure the impact of inflation on retirees, veterans and others.

    October 10, 2013
  • Congress' failure to agree on a short-term funding measure last week immediately threw agencies into shutdown mode, shutting offices and sending hundreds of thousands of federal employees home without pay. But as the shutdown stretches into its second week with no end in sight, a round of second-order effects is beginning to ripple throughout government.

    October 07, 2013
  • Stan Soloway and Robin Lineberger from the Professional Services Council, join host Debra Roth to discuss how sequestration and other issues are affecting contractors. October 4, 2013

    October 04, 2013
  • Anthony Vergnetti hosts a roundtable discussion of the issues affecting federal law enforcement officers. September 20, 2013

    September 20, 2013
  • Federal Employees with Disabilities, or FEDs, is an organization that promotes equality in the workplace for persons with disabilities. FEDs focuses on addressing inclusion and breaking attitudinal barriers.

    September 11, 2013
  • Majority of appeals are from DoD employees and the MSPB's regional offices have docketed nearly all of the furlough-related appeals.

    September 10, 2013
  • The number of furlough appeals coming in each day to the Merit Systems Protection Board is steadily decreasing, allowing the board to move forward with consolidating appeals and preparing them for adjudication.

    September 10, 2013
  • Author John Maclean will discuss his latest book on the 2006 Esperanza Fire in southern California. September 6, 2013

    September 06, 2013
  • Congress returns to work today with a crowded agenda and little time. Lawmakers must come to agreement on 2014 funding before the fiscal year ends Sept. 30 or risk a government shutdown. Also on the agenda: coming up with an alternative to the automatic spending constraints known as sequestration and negotiating a raise in the government's borrowing limit. There are also other measures affecting federal employees that remain to be worked out, including legislation to overhaul the cash-strapped Postal Service and a potential 1 percent pay raise for civilian federal workers.

    September 06, 2013
  • NARFE's David Snell will discuss the impact of a proposed change to how federal retirees' cost-of-living adjustments are calculated. September 4, 2013

    September 04, 2013
  • Hundreds of thousands of federal employees are not entitled to a key civil-service protection under a recent ruling by the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington. Andres Grajales, deputy general counsel for the American Federation of Government Employees who represented two federal employees in the case, said the ruling gives agencies a weapon against employees.

    August 27, 2013
  • Debra Roth hosts a roundtable discussion of how sequestration has affected the judicial branch, justice, and the rule of law. August 23, 2013

    August 23, 2013
  • The majority of furlough-related appeals the Merit Systems Protection Board has received - 98 percent - have come from civilian employees of the Defense Department. Of the 30,000-plus furlough appeals, MSPB has entered more than 16,000 into its system. The agency says it expects to have most of the appeals docketed shortly after Labor Day.

    August 22, 2013
  • NARFE's David Snell will talk about a health care option for feds without children and Sean Reilly from the Federal Times will give us an update on 2014 budget negotiations and other issues affecting federal employees. August 21, 2013

    August 21, 2013