Workforce Rights/Governance

  • Cathy Sanz and Janice Ayala, from Women in Law Enforcement will talk about the work being done by the organization, and the challenges facing female law enforcement officers. June 7, 2013

    June 07, 2013
  • Not that long ago, the Office of Personnel Management faced a crisis in processing retirement claims. In part two of our special report, "Retirement Conundrum," Federal News Radio examines how OPM set out to beat its backlog, and how it can stay ahead of an unexpected surge in claims amid automatic budget cuts that threaten to derail progress.

    May 30, 2013
  • NARFE legislative director Jessica Klement and Federal Times writer Stephen Losey, join host Mike Causey to talk about the self-plus-one health plan option and the chained CPI. May 29, 2013

    May 29, 2013
  • A federal retirement tsunami has been predicted for years but never quite materialized. In our special report, "Retirement Conundrum," Federal News Radio reexamines the trends and developments that led to the botched predictions and what it means today with a recent uptick in retirements reviving old worries.

    May 29, 2013
  • Jon Adler, national president of the Federal Law Enforement Officers Association and Ton Vergnetti, president of Federal Employee Defense Services will discuss legislation affecting those in federal law enforcement. May 24, 2013

    May 24, 2013
  • Craig Floyd, CEO of the National Law Enforcemetn Officers Memorial Fund, joins host Bill Bransford to talk about this year's National Police Week event. May 10, 2013

    May 10, 2013
  • The Office of Personnel Management has made steady progress chipping away at a longstanding backlog of retirement claims. But Oversight Committee lawmakers and other government watchdogs remain concerned that the absence of a long-term plan to overhaul the mostly paper-based process combined with across-the-board budget cuts and a lack of strong leadership within OPM could stall or derail the progress the agency has made.

    May 09, 2013
  • Host Mike Causey will discuss the OPM retirement processing backlog with NARFE Legislative Director Jessica Klement and the Federal Times' Stephen Losey. May 8, 2013

    May 08, 2013
  • Jenny Mattingley will host a roundtable discussion of the events during Public Service Recognition Week. April 26, 2013

    April 26, 2013
  • President Barack Obama's proposal to change the way retirees' cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) are calculated has drawn the ire of federal-employee groups and unions. The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) has released a calculator designed to show retirees and policymakers how benefits would be reduced if the chained CPI were implemented.

    April 16, 2013
  • Author John Maclean will discuss his latest book on the 2006 Esperanza Fire in southern California. April 12, 2013

    April 12, 2013
  • The Office of Special Counsel is "deeply concerned" about the implications of a federal court ruling that stripped low-level Defense Department employees of their ability to appeal suspensions and demotions outside the agency. OSC, which filed an amicus brief earlier this month with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, is worried the ruling could have a chilling effect on whistleblowers.

    March 25, 2013
  • Senior Executives Association President Carol Bonosaro joins host Bill Bransford to discuss some of the challenges facing senior executives in the federal government. March 22, 2013

    March 22, 2013
  • NARFE's Jessica Klement and Sean Reilly and Stephen Losey from the Federal Times, will discuss pending legislation on Capitol Hill, that affects federal workers. March 20, 2013

    March 20, 2013