“In the end it’s behavioral,” William Yurek, program director of cyber intrusion investigations at the Defense Criminal Investigative Service said on Federal...
The In Focus mini-series examines more closely issues and topics of importance to federal agencies and contractors. Each month, Federal News Radio Custom Media Director Jason Fornicola speaks with key stakeholders to better understand challenges and opportunities. This month focuses on Federal Network Visibility and Analytics.
“In the end it’s behavioral,” William Yurek, program director of cyber intrusion investigations at the Defense Criminal Investigative Service said on Federal News Radio’s In Focus. “People will always be the weakest link at any level. They will always be what we have to key on. Unfortunately, we forget about that. Behavioral analytics is an attempt to get us back to the idea of looking at how people behave, in the simplest sense. But how we can use that in both the predictive sense, and frankly, in my viewpoint as an investigator often times we come in and it’s kind of too late. But there are behavioral factors you can use to analyze bad guy activity and try and create a behavioral finger print of a human being.”
Jason Fornicola, Director of Custom Media, Federal News Radio
Jason Fornicola joined WTOP and Federal News Radio in February of 2014 as the Director of Custom Media, where he manages the stations’ sponsored and custom content initiatives. Fornicola provides clients with access to high-quality content consistent with the stations’ standard of excellence and works to solve clients’ needs through a multi-platform approach which includes on-air, digital, video and social media. His journalism and social media experience support the stations’ efforts to ensure the client message is conveyed in a way that will achieve their marketing campaign objectives.
William Yurek, Program Director of Cyber Intrusion Investigations, Defense Criminal Investigative Service
William A. Yurek is Director of Cyber Intrusion Investigations at the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, and is the DCIS liaison to the National Cyber Investigations Joint Task Force, the International Crime Coordination Center, and other national task forces and centers. Prior to this position, Mr. Yurek was a Senior Counsel in the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS), Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice in Washington D.C. Prior to working at DOJ, Mr. Yurek was a Senior Counsel in the Enforcement Division of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, where he investigated and prosecuted insider trading, stock manipulation, and other violations of US securities laws. While at the SEC, Mr. Yurek conducted the first investigation and prosecution of an internet stock manipulation scheme in SEC history.
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