Henry Sienkiewicz, chief innovation & revenue officer at Secure Channels, joins host John Gilroy on this week's Federal Tech Talk to discuss cybersecurity, acqu...
Today’s guest is well-known Henry Sienkiewicz, chief innovation & revenue officer at Secure Channels. Many listeners know Sienkiewicz from his previous incarnation with twenty-three years in the Army ending with being the vice chief assurance executive at the Defense Information Assurance Agency.
One trending phrase in technology circles is the “hybrid” cloud. After listening to the interview with Sienkiewicz, you may think that he has a “hybrid” background. His wide-ranging background includes stints as CIO of large commercial organizations and writing several books. His latest book is called “The Art of Cyber Conflict.”
During the interview, he explains why he chose to work for SecureChannels after his federal career. They offer enhanced security that includes proximity based modeling as well as five-factor authentication. Back in 2014 SecureChannels patented encryption technology and boldly presented it at the Black Hat Conference.
One of the solutions proposed by SecureChannels is called the ParadoxBox. Sienkiewicz describes how simple it is to use. He maintains that complexity should not be added to the user interface in securing data. SecureChannel’s motto is “Unmatched Security for the Digital Ecosystem.”
Many of today’s federal IT managers have been hit by a breach in the past six months. Combine that with aging infrastructure forces many to look at new answers to securing data.
Host John Gilroy of The Oakmont Group speaks the language of federal CISOs, CIOs and CTOs, and gets into the specifics for government IT systems integrators. Follow John on Twitter. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Podcast One.