Abe Grungold

(Getty Images/iStockphoto/AndreyPopov)Man Holding Two Coin Stacks To Compare

One way to figure if you made the right federal career choice

One federal retiree analyzed the question of whether he was right to switch from the private sector to federal.

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Retirement, debt, TSP

Working or retired, don’t overlook either side of the spending-saving equation

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Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)

Three good reasons to save toward TSP-millionaire status

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Retirement, debt, TSP

Federal retirees especially have to pay attention to their debt profiles

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So you want to be a TSP millionaire? Here’s how!

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(Amelia Brust/Federal News Network)Retirement

A big retirement date is coming soon. What you need to do to prepare

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(Getty Images/iStockphoto/olm26250)

Retirement is easy to think about, but more difficult to pull off

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Mid-year is a great time to review your financial options

With the calendar year half over, it’s a good time to review your financial life. For people in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHB), open…

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Retirement Plan Retirement Planning Pension Concept

Retirement might be more complicated than getting a job in the first place

The push for ever-more productivity. The noodging to return to the office. the political comings and goings. The funding uncertainty. It’s enough to convince…

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(Amelia Brust/Federal News Network)Retirement

The three-legged stool of federal retirement might have a fourth leg

Federal retirement tends to stand like a three-legged stool: the FERS annuity, the Thrift Savings Plan and Social Security. But a fourth leg could make for an even sturdier retirement. Good old fashioned Savings Bonds are another instrument federal employees can invest in for their personal savings.

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