The crowdsourcing model is coming in full force to the discussion about the future of federal information technology and management. ACT-IAC calls it crowd-versations. Tony Bardo, industry chair for ACT-IAC's Executive Leadership Conference and assistant vice president of government solutions at Hughes, offers his insight on In Depth with Francis Rose.
Tom Allin, the Veterans Affairs Department’s chief veterans experience officer, developed an approach that lets employees take a different perspective when developing customer service initiatives.
Only eight weeks into the job, David Shulkin is rethinking health care goals within the Veterans Affairs Department
The White House is working with the American Council for Technology-Industry Advisory Council to help shape the next round of customer service initiatives using commercial best practices. Customer service is one of the White House's top cross-agency priority goals. Jim Williams is a partner at Schambach and Williams Consulting. He tells the Federal Drive with Tom Temin how he's heading up the ACT-IAC effort.
Improving federal cybersecurity is the goal of a new effort that combines input from government and industry leaders. ACT-IAC is collecting responses from agencies, industry and academia on eight major challenges. The responses will go in a report to the Office of Management and Budget late next month. The public comment period closes Aug. 28. Mike Howell, ACT vice president at-large and deputy program manager at the Information Sharing Environment, tells In Depth with Francis Rose about the kinds of ideas he's looking for.
It's been four and a half years since the White House proclaimed it wanted agencies to make a big move to cloud computing via the so-called "cloud first" policy. But the pace of cloud adoption has been far slower than what former federal CIO Vivek Kundra probably had in mind back in 2010. The American Council of Technology-Industry Advisory Council set out to find out why -- and then, in a new guidebook, explain how agencies can break down perceived barriers to cloud adoption. Mark Day is the co-chair of the ACT-IAC Cloud Computing Working Group and also the deputy assistant commissioner in GSA's integrated technology service. He tells In Depth guest host Jared Serbu what's in the new guidebook and how it will help agencies move to the cloud.
Jason Briefel hosts a roundtable discussion of human capital and how the public and private sectors are collaborating. March 6, 2015
OFPP Administrator Anne Rung will issue a memo in the coming weeks requiring agencies to rate vendors and for vendors to rate agencies on specific high-dollar IT procurements. Rung said OMB, GSA will hire experts to oversee vendor relationships for IT commodities.
A proposed rule issued today would change the Price Reduction Clause that most contractors dislike and causes most of the False Claims Act lawsuits. Vendors have 60 days to offer comments and GSA will hold an industry day April 17.
The Office of Management and Budget has directives on shared services on the desks of agencies across government. But cultural issues may be the big holdup from the government realizing the benefits of shared services. That's according to a new conclusion by the ACT-IAC Acquisition Management shared interest group. Steve Krauss is corporate development officer at Censeo Consulting Group. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he shared the analysis from the ACT-IAC Acquisition Management shared interest group.
The Social Security Administration used excess desktop computers and an open source platform to tackle its big data challenge. For its efforts, ACT-IAC named SSA's improper payments and data analytics program a finalist in the Igniting Innovation awards.
The Office of Personnel Management is trying for the fifth time to modernize its technology for processing retirement claims. OPM will choose a foundation for a fully automated system next year. Rick Holgate is Chief Information Officer of the Bureau of Alchohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and Dan Chenok is senior fellow at the IBM Center for the Business of Government. They're both co-chairs for ACT-IAC. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he explained how agencies like OPM, and others, are planning their IT futures.
Although many have retired, the later wave of Vietnam veterans are still active in the federal workforce, including John Grant, the Region Eight customer accounts and research director in the Federal Acquisition Service at the General Services Administration. At one time in special forces, Grant worked in the technology industry before joining the federal government. He's also active in the ACT-IAC group. Grant spoke with Tom Temin at the recent ACT-IAC Executive Leadership Conference in Williamsburg.
Beth Cobert, deputy director for management at the Office of Management and Budget, told an audience of federal executives that agencies need to take advantage of technology and data to drive innovation in government.
Cheryl Cook, USDA's CIO, said the Forest Service awarded a contract to AbilityOne for tier one helpdesk services. This is one of several enterprisewide services the agency is creating to improve efficiency and effectiveness.