Alissa Czyz

Defense counterintelligence, budget, Congress Defense, pentagon, science & technology

DCSA has a new roadmap for delayed background investigation IT system

The new DCSA director says the NBIS delays are “unacceptable,” as he looks to overhaul the program and get it back on track under a new roadmap.

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(Photo courtesy of the Government Accountability Office)advertising, duplicate government program, GAO, overlap of government p;rograms,GAO, intelligence oversight

Report card shows shortcomings in how DoD oversees intelligence

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GAOAlyssa Czyz

Agencies not utilizing program designed to supplement S&T talent via nonprofits

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(Photo courtesy of the Government Accountability Office)advertising, duplicate government program, GAO, overlap of government p;rograms,GAO, intelligence oversight

Federal managers’ performance data use highest it’s been in 14 years

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