Countdown to shutdown:

CHCO Council

  • The Department of Housing and Urban Development went from being the poster child for the dysfunctional federal hiring process to being a model of what others are striving for.

    November 17, 2010
  • Many agencies have reduced the time it takes to hire a new employee. DoD, Energy and VA are among the departments that have made the most progress over the last year. OPM Director John Berry said a full government-wide look will not be available until early 2011.

    November 17, 2010
  • The Chief Human Capital Officers Council is overseeing several initiatives to improve the training of federal human resources professionals. The university will bring together existing courses under one portal, and eventually will expand to meet current and emerging needs. OPM to announce agency progress in fixing federal hiring today.

    November 17, 2010
  • The Chief Human Capital Officer’s Council is on track to reverse a decision made 17 years ago. The council starting in January is expected to provide standardized training for federal human resources professionals. This is…

    November 16, 2010
  • A recent survey of chief human capital officers reveals some shortcomings and frustrations in the relationship between CHCOs and the Office of Personnel Management. But two veteran federal HR experts said such a tension is natural and even healthy. And a top OPM leader talks about an initiative to resolve concerns over the shortcomings of training on the part of the HR workforce and their ability to assist in hiring reforms.

    August 20, 2010
  • President Obama has said publicly that he is a big fan of performance management, and wants to blend its practice into the day-to-day operation of the Federal Government. But what does that mean for feds who are tasked with actually making the wheels of government turn every day? The Association of Government Accountants convened a conference to discuss performance in government.

    April 29, 2010
  • The federal government is facing a variety of challenges when it comes to attracting employees into the Senior Executive Service. Carol Bonosaro, President of the SEA, asys those are the findings of a recent survey conducted by the Senior Executive Association.

    April 21, 2010
  • New survey results released by the Senior Executive Association show there is a lot of interest among many federal employees when it comes to applying for the Senior Executive Service, but more can be done by the federal government and Congress to make SES positions attractive.

    April 20, 2010
  • Ponemon Institute study details why.

    November 23, 2009
  • The councils will focus on three main areas to develop competency framework. Agencies have until Jan. 15 to submit data about how they classify cyber positions. Interagency working group also will conduct a survey of cybersecurity workforce in the spring.

    November 23, 2009