Cloud computing

  • It’s the debate going on in many government offices and private companies. Should you go with a public or private cloud? Which is better for your organization? 76 percent of IT decision makers in a recent Info-Tech survey say they are looking initially at private cloud options for their first go in the new arena. [...]

    April 07, 2011
  • 70 percent of data center managers say they are already using or plan to use cloud computing, according to a survey by AFCOM. Of that 70 percent, 36.6 percent of respondents are already using the cloud. That’s up from 14.9 percent of managers surveyed in 2010. However, another 28 percent tell AFCOM they have no [...]

    April 03, 2011
  • The head of U.S. Cyber Command says cloud computing is part of his plan for staying ahead of the cyber threats that face the Defense Department. “A year from now we should be well on our way to having a hardened architecture proven and in place, which provides a new level of cybersecurity,” said General [...]

    March 29, 2011
  • Federal News Radio spoke with the FBI and the Army about their various uses of cloud this week. Listen to the interviews by clicking the links below. Part 2: Fulgham says secure mobility will change the FBI In a two-part interview with agency chief information officer Chad Fulgham, Federal News Radio talks about the various [...]

    March 26, 2011
  • Susan Lawrence, the Army\'s newly-appointed Chief Information Officer members of the IT and communications industry that the service is focused on creating an end-to-end IT infrastructure, eliminating structures that required soldiers to train and live on one network, and deploy on another.

    March 21, 2011
  • Government and industry leaders are coming together to discuss progress the government has made to advance open standards in interoperability, portability and security in cloud computing. The National Institute of Standards and Technology will hold its Cloud Computing Forum & Workshop III April 7-8 at the agency’s headquarters in Gaithersburg, Md. Working groups formed at [...]

    March 20, 2011
  • Chris Kemp, NASA’s chief technology officer for IT, is leaving the agency. Kemp announced his resignation on his agency blog saying, “As budgets kept getting cut and continuing resolutions from Congress continued to make funding unavailable, I saw my vision for the future slowly slip further from my grasp.” Kemp was one of the pioneers [...]

    March 17, 2011
  • Earlier this month, the Fed Cloud Blog mentioned a survey that found chief financial officers aren’t as familiar with cloud computing as the chief information officers in their organizations. Ann All, a blogger for IT Business Edge, says when it comes to cloud computing, CFOs and CIOs really need to work together. She says the [...]

    March 15, 2011
  • The General Services Administration’s annual IRMCO conference is just around the corner and two of its key panel discussions will focus on cloud computing. IRMCO will be held March 15-16 at the Kellogg Conference Center and Hotel in Washington, D.C. Day two will open with a CIO roundtable on implementing the 25-Point IT Plan laid [...]

    March 10, 2011
  • The General Services Administration offered advice to vendors trying to sell cloud services to the government. Dave McClure, GSA’s Associate Administrator in the Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies, told Federal News Radio vendors are definitely the innovators in the cloud space. But, he warns, vendors need to do more than repackage “their old [...]

    March 10, 2011
  • The effort to understand cloud computing doesn’t stop at the IT shop in your agency. Managers all over the government are getting “cloud savvy” so they know what they need to know to acquire solutions…

    March 09, 2011
  • David Linthicum, author of \"Cloud Computing and SOA Convergence in your Enterprise: A Step-by-Step Guide,\" joins host John Gilroy for a discussion on cloud migration. March 8, 2011

    March 08, 2011
  • A who’s who in the cloud arena is taking place in Silicon Valley this week. The third annual Cloud Connect event kicked off today at the Santa Clara Convention Center. More than 2,500 people are expected to attend. Sessions begin tomorrow and include everything from “Attacking and Defending Cloud Computing” to “Building Trust and Compliance [...]

    March 07, 2011
  • Curt Kolcun, the vice president for Microsoft\'s Public Sector Business, says now more than ever agencies are looking to the cloud to save money.

    March 07, 2011