cloud security

(Getty Images/Wavebreak Media/Wavebreakmedia Ltd)

Tips for agencies to improve cloud security posture

Enhancing cloud security requires a concerted effort from federal agencies, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures and continuous improvement.

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/ipopbacloud computing

OMB evolving FedRAMP to better address software-as-a-service needs

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/gintas77Cybersecurity

Federal CISO doubles down on phishing-resistant MFA following Lapsus$ review

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Amelia Brust/Federal News Network

CISA aims to expand cyber defense service across fed agencies, potentially further

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Cyber Leaders on Cloud Security

The ultimate objective is to eliminate the need to work on multiple devices. Using the cloud, the data is all in one place and easier to access, and easier…

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Secure cloud migration in government requires measured approach

During Cloud Month, read about why a federal transition to the technology has to be approached from a holistic perspective.

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DoD in discussions with vendors to simplify cloud security rules

Amid a new push to “accelerate” commercial cloud adoption, the Defense Department is in talks with commercial industry to find ways to smooth its cloud security approval process.

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