Next Tuesday, Oct. 1, marks the beginning of a new era for the General Services Administration’s Multiple Award Schedule program. On that date, Phase I of MAS Consolidation will end with the issuance of a…
Federal News Network Executive Editor Jason Miller joins host Roger Waldron on this week's Off the Shelf for a wide ranging discussion of this summers top procurement stories.
Although the government cannot be sued under the Sherman Act for its actions that restrain trade, that doesn't mitigate the harm caused, as in the case of the Price Reduction Clause.
Tom Sisti, executive vice president and general counsel for the Coalition for Government Procurement joins host Roger Waldron on this week's Off the Shelf to discuss the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act and the implementation of the Section 846 eCommerce initiative.
FAST 2020 is GSA’s national training conference where hundreds of accredited training hours will be available to government employees at no charge.
The Coalition for Government Procurement, the National Defense Industrial Association and the Professional Services Council say the interim final rule published Aug. 13 needs some clarity around False Claims Act liability.
This week, the FAR Council issued an interim rule implementing a piece of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2019, prohibits contracting for certain telecommunications and video surveillance services from some Chinese entities or affiliates — or those found to be connected to China.
David Dowd, partner at Mayer Brown LLP, joins host Roger Waldron on this week's Off the Shelf to discuss the legal, policy and market implications of GSA's Section 846 e-commerce initiative.
Roger Waldron of the Coalition for Government Procurement argued it is important to recognize, however, that, consistent with the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act, there are circumstances that necessitate the use of government-unique terms and conditions.
It has been over one year since this blog discussed the issues associated with the Defense Department’s plan and justification for its single-award of a $10 billion Joint Enterprise Defense Initiative (JEDI) cloud contract. DoD’s…
Steven Schooner, Nash & Cibinic Professor of Government Procurement Law at the George Washington University Law School joins host Roger Waldron on this week's Off the Shelf to discuss the role data plays in the procurement system, including how it is used to effectively measure contract performance.
A panel of legal experts present the 2019 Rogers Awards which highlight some of the most significant government contracts developments from the past year.
GSA outlined its strategy to award multiple contracts to e-marketplace providers and pilot this approach with open market products that fall under the micro-purchase threshold of $10,000.
Soraya Correa, chief procurement officer for the Department of Homeland Security, joins host Roger Waldron on this week's Off he Shelf to discuss DHS procurement, including how the agency's strategic investments in acquisition workforce training and development are delivering best value mission support across the department.
GSA's call for industry input on extending its Acquisition Regulation clauses 552.216-75 is an opportunity to continue increasing efficiency of the MAS program.