
  • Congress managed to complete the heavy lifting and pass a budget for 2016. Now what? Lawmakers are off duty until after the start of the new year, and then what happens? For a look ahead, Federal Drive with Tom Temin turned to CQ Roll Call Senior Editor David Hawkings.

    December 22, 2015
  • Legislation introduced this month by Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) aims to prohibit certain federal agencies from using or purchasing certain firearms. The Regulatory Agency De-militarization Act calls for federal agencies, other than those traditionally tasked with enforcing federal law, from purchasing machine guns, grenades and other weaponry regulated under the National Firearms Act. In an interview with Federal News Radio's Eric White on Federal Drive with Tom Temin, Stewart explains how he hopes this will help tamper down the distrust many Americans feel towards the federal government today.

    December 18, 2015
  • After many, many days of closed-door negotiations, we finally have an agreement on the 2016 budget. The deal heads to the floor today, and if it passes, it means no more continuing resolutions for the remainder of 2016 and some certainty on the pay and benefits front for federal employees. Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) is the senior democrat on the Senate appropriations committee and had a key role in negotiating the final deal. She talked with Jared Serbu on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    December 17, 2015
  • Shutting down the federal government is a truly dumb thing to do, but Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says that doesn't mean it won't happen.

    December 15, 2015
  • Service members have the same rights as every other citizen when it comes to voting, financial services and employment. But it can be harder for them to exercise those rights. The Justice Department is asking Congress for stronger sanctions against rogue companies that target service members. Acting Associate Attorney General Stuart Delery told Federal Drive with Tom Temin more about the legislative proposal.

    December 09, 2015
  • Congress came back to work yesterday and went another day closer to Friday's deadline for passing a budget for 2016. Unless it reaches a deal by Friday, well, a lot of things could happen. CQ Roll Call's Senior Editor David Hawkings fills in Federal Drive with Tom Temin on the latest.

    December 08, 2015
  • The decision opens up 214,000 military billets to female service members, and also makes them subject to involuntary assignment to previously-closed combat roles. Congress says it will examine whether women should also be required to register as potential draftees.

    December 03, 2015
  • This year’s tree came from the Chugach National Forest in Alaska, traveling more than 4,000 miles before making its final journey to the Capitol’s West Lawn.

    December 02, 2015
  • They arrived in town yesterday, but today members of Congress get down to real work. But what's real all depends. If you care about establishment of a federal budget for fiscal 2016, you may have to wait a few days. David Hawkings, senior editor at CQ Roll Call, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin about another issue that's first in line on the agenda.

    December 01, 2015
  • Congress is tied up in knots debating the Syrian refugee questions and other things like cybersecurity. With a fast-approaching deadline for funding the government, Dec. 11, to be exact, the question is whether Congress will finish its budget work on time. Federal Drive host Tom Temin asked CQ Roll Call senior editor David Hawkings if other matters were crowding out the crucial budget.

    November 25, 2015
  • The Internal Revenue Service has been operating on a shrinking budget for the last five years. Congress has taken it down a total $1.2 billion, or 17 percent. That means fewer and fewer workers are getting the job done. Larry Gibbs is a member of the Miller and Chevalier law firm and an IRS commissioner under the Reagan administration. He tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin about his experience as one of seven former commissioners who signed a letter to Congress this month saying enough is enough.

    November 24, 2015
  • For the first time, nearly all of the Defense Department’s budget is under professional audit, the Pentagon told Congress in a report last week, making 2015 a “pivotal year” in getting the entire department’s books in audit-ready condition by the end of fiscal 2017.

    November 23, 2015
  • As agencies demand more funding from Congress in the fiscal 2016 budget, many members want the National Institutes of Health to receive what the Senate Appropriations Committee has already approved.

    November 18, 2015
  • There are at least two schools of thought about repeated congressional efforts to privatize the IRS, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey. The government could save a lot of money if it could get rid of 90,000 IRS workers and let the private sector do it, for a fee, or squeeze it enough so it falls further behind in collections, and complete the self-fulfilling prophecy.

    November 09, 2015