Fewer than half of the Senior Executive Service members who responded to an exclusive Federal News Radio online survey say they would join today. The survey results were even more dim for federal employees at the GS-15 and GS-14 ranks. In the first of our four-part special report, Fixing the SES, we examine how current senior execs feel about the SES, and what they believe is right and wrong with the service.
Thanks to big data, agencies are learning where their skills gaps are. To close them, they'll have to get around some archiac personnel regulations, according to a panel of experts on the Federal Drive.
With the new year and a new Congress getting underway, the possibilities seem limitless. We're going to spend the next hour talking about people. Specifically, the human capital management questions that vex the government. Engagement, pay and benefits, whether federal employees get the recognition and respect they deserve. Danny Werfel, a long-time career employee and former acting IRS Commissioner is now with the Boston Consulting Group. Jeri Buchholz, is NASA's chief human capital officer. Angela Bailey is the chief operating officer of the Office of Personnel Management. They joined Tom Temin and Emily Kopp on a special bonus hour of the Federal Drive to explore those issues and try to come up with a few answers.
A series of management blunders and agency misbehavior in recent years ranging from the General Services Administration to the Veterans Affairs Department, haven't only put agency leaders in the hot seat — and sometimes out of work. They've also highlighted the importance of better risk-management planning by agencies, current and former federal officials told Federal News Radio as part of a special discussion on risk management.
The former acting chief of the Internal Revenue Service, who led the agency in the aftermath of the political-targeting scandal and who stepped down in December, says he believes the agency is on the right track. In an interview on on the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp, Danny Werfel, who recently joined the Boston Consulting Group, cited strong leadership at the agency.
In this week's Inside the Reporter's Notebook, Executive Editor Jason Miller explores how DoD is developing its cloud security standards and Treasury is filling a financial management void.
Horace Blackman, a long-time Veterans Affairs IT executive, also leaves for the private sector, joining Lockheed Martin.
The Internal Revenue Service and the National Treasury Employees Union reached an agreement that will see the IRS pay frontline employees performance awards starting in the spring. Acting IRS chief Danny Werfel canceled payouts of the awards last July, even though the union said the agency was obligated to pay them.
Danny Werfel has resigned from his position of controller of the Office of Management Budget and left the federal government. He had served as controller since October 2009.
Todd Grams, the chief of staff of the Internal Revenue Service, announced Friday he's retiring after 34 years of federal service, according to a note to staff obtained by Federal News Radio. Grams was named IRS chief of staff in June at the request of Acting Commissioner Danny Werfel in the wake of a leadership shakeup following revelations the agency had improperly targeted conservative groups for extra scrutiny.
IRS Acting Commissioner Danny Werfel announced to staff Wednesday the agency was postponing the agencywide furlough day scheduled for Aug. 30.
The revelations of improper targeting of conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service has so far been isolated to lower-level offices. But the former head of the IRS says an overall failure of leadership must be corrected if the embattled agency wants to rebuild its reputation. Mark Everson, head of the IRS under George W. Bush, told Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp President Barack Obama should appoint a permanent IRS commissioner.
Senate lawmakers are promising to change the laws to let agencies have easier access to the Death Master File and other key databases. Starting June 1, agencies must check the Do Not Pay list before issuing any money.
Federal chief financial officers have more foresight, insight and hindsight than ever before to make better decisions. But just as important as having these wide-ranging sight lines is how they are being translated down to the program level. Experts say agencies are slowly heading down the path of using data to make better decisions.
News and buzz in the acquisition and IT communities that you may have missed this week.